Upgrading a Run-Down Property

Working on a property project can be very exciting, especially if you love DIY and styling your home. So when you’ve got a rundown property, here are a few ways to upgrade and improve it… Set Yourself A Budget & Time Scale Firstly you want to go about setting a budget for the project. Whether it’s working on one or two rooms or the whole house, it’s important to have a budget. Do your research and find out what the cost would be for materials and any other services you might need to pay for. Don’t go over your budget or set one that’s too high or you can’t afford. It’s worth also having a timeline for your project. Of course, the inevitable and unexpected can happen, which can delay it, but it’s good to have a deadline of some sort. Identify Any Permissions Needed It’s important to identify any permissions that might be needed for you to proceed with any work. Planning permissions can delay a project, so be sure to sort this out before starting the work. Consult your local government or council in regards to the work and if needed, get a solicitor to help with any …

Upgrading A Run Down Property

Working on a property project can be very exciting, especially if you love DIY and styling your home. So when you’ve got a rundown property, here are a few ways to upgrade and improve it

Upgrading A Run Down Property

Set Yourself A Budget & Time Scale

Firstly you want to go about setting a budget for the project. Whether it’s working on one or two rooms or the whole house, it’s important to have a budget. Do your research and find out what the cost would be for materials and any other services you might need to pay for. Don’t go over your budget or set one that’s too high or you can’t afford.

It’s worth also having a timeline for your project. Of course, the inevitable and unexpected can happen, which can delay it, but it’s good to have a deadline of some sort.

Identify Any Permissions Needed

It’s important to identify any permissions that might be needed for you to proceed with any work. Planning permissions can delay a project, so be sure to sort this out before starting the work. Consult your local government or council in regards to the work and if needed, get a solicitor to help with any problems you may encounter along the way. When you’re building an extension of any sort, you also want to factor in your neighbors. At the end of the day, you don’t want to upset anyone, especially those living by you, so approach them regarding your plans.

Work On The Structure

The structure of a house is the most crucial because if it’s not, then it poses a danger to yourself and the household and will no doubt cost you considerably if something bad were to happen. It might be handy to get in a professional to survey the property prior to any work being done as they may be able to spot the damage you don’t see for yourself. Getting it fixed immediately is going to save you money down the line and will make it much more sellable if you decide to move on.

It’s handy to have roof inspections too as this is another part of the property, you won’t be able to see for yourself unless you want to brave it on a ladder. Make sure that any gaps or holes are filled in to prevent you having to call out pest control services. This is particularly important throughout the colder months as vermin, and other pests will seek warmth and find your home attractive!

Replace Old Windows And Doors

You might already have windows and doors that are functioning perfectly well, but after you’ve worked on the structure of the property, it’s a good idea to check just how beneficial they are in keeping your home warm and energy efficient. Double or triple glazing is recommended for windows to lock out the cold and keep in the heat. Your doors could be too heavy or perhaps might not be fireproof.

Insulate Before Decorating

Insulating your home is incredibly important because it will keep your home warm throughout the year and will also save you a huge amount of money over time. Check your wall cavities and roofing to see if there’s any insulation installed already and if not, make it a priority to do so. The materials come in various forms that are suitable for every budget.

Windows and doors can also be insulated such as hanging heavy curtains or thermal blinds. You can also install or have draught excluders attached to the doors to save on heating.

Style The Property To Suit You

The advantages of upgrading a run down property mean you can make it work for you, whatever way you’d like it to do. Whether that’s having open spaces or bedrooms with en-suites, design a property that suits your way of living.

Take advantage of any original features that might already be part of the house and emphasize these features. When picking out appliances and white goods, go for quality because they’ll last much longer than the cheap options.

When it comes to the decor of your home, this is the perfect opportunity to style your home just how you want it. From what kind of furnishings you have, the colours of your wall and whether you have underfloor heating.


When it comes to finishings, one example are skirting boards. The paint you choose can set the overall look of a room. Over at Skirting World they recommend opting for a satin finish. This gives a solid colour that is also hard-wearing. Of course, there are also pros and cons to the other types of paint too, and it depends on personal preferences ultimately, but satin tends to offer the best of other choices.

See this as an opportunity to create your ideal home, exactly your way!

Working on a project like a run down property can be incredibly exciting. You can really transform a property into your perfect home. So if you fancy taking on something new, why not try your hand at a run down property?

*This is a collaborative post

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