Weightlifting Routines To Keep You Motivated

Staying in shape can be difficult if you don’t have a tried and trusted routine to rely on. Read on to get an idea of which exercise routine is best for you.

Weightlifting Routines To Keep You Motivated

Do you ever find yourself getting bored with the same old weightlifting routine? It’s easy to fall into a rut when it comes to exercising, but mixing up your sets can be just what you need to reignite your passion. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some new weightlifting routines to keep you motivated.

Circuit Training

Circuit training is a great way to switch up your weightlifting routine and add some cardiovascular exercises to your workout. Circuit training involves moving quickly from one exercise to the next with little rest in between. This type of training can help increase your endurance, burn fat, and build muscle. You can try different combinations of exercises to create a custom circuit routine or search online for pre-made circuits to follow.

Pyramid Training

Pyramid training involves gradually increasing weight and decreasing reps as you move through your exercises. For example, you may start with a lighter weight, doing 10 reps, and then increase the weight and decrease to 8 reps. Continue increasing weight and decreasing reps until you reach your maximum weight and minimum reps. This type of training can build strength and muscle while keeping things interesting by constantly changing the load and reps.


Supersets involve doing two exercises back-to-back with little rest in between. Generally, you’ll focus on opposing muscle groups, like bicep curls and tricep extensions. This type of training can save time and increase the intensity of your workout, as you’ll be targeting multiple muscles in each set. Knowing which weight set is right for you will ensure you stay on top of your routine without getting overwhelmed.

5×5 Training

5×5 training is a popular routine designed to build strength and muscle mass. It involves doing five sets of five reps for each exercise, using a heavier weight than you would for a traditional 3×10 routine. This type of training can be challenging, but the results are worth it.

Drop Sets

Drop sets involve using the same weight for an exercise but gradually decreasing the weight as you fatigue. For example, you may start with a weight you can lift for 10 reps, then immediately decrease the weight by 10-20% and do as many reps as possible, then decrease once more and repeat. This type of training can be a great addition to your routine, as it can help push past plateaus and build muscle.

Find the Routine That Works for You

Several weightlifting routines are out there to keep you motivated and excited about exercising. Switching up your routine can be just what you need to break through plateaus, build muscle, and reignite your love for fitness, whether you try circuit or pyramid training, supersets, 5×5 training, or drop sets. Give one of these weightlifting routines a try, and keep your motivation for healthy and intentional living up!