​Why Underfloor Heating Increases Your Room Temperature but Not Your Bills

Increased energy efficiency and saving money go hand-in-hand. The better insulated and efficient your home is at hanging onto heat, the more money you will save. But why does the installation of high quality underfloor heating kits make such a big difference? Are the savings after installation costs worth it? Installation Costs Vs. Savings Take a moment to research underfloor heating, including its pros and cons, and you will see various articles that examine installation costs versus savings. Estimates of installation costs and savings fluctuate, depending on the source of the article. Some say that the savings are out of this world. Others suggest that the saving are too low to make the installation of the underfloor heating systems a viable solution. Then there are running costs to consider too. For example, wet underfloor heating kits are more expensive to install but deliver better savings. Dry or electric mats are simpler, easier and cheaper to install but are more expensive to run. So, what is the answer? Like any heating system, there are pros and cons. But the facts are a little simpler to decipher; a new heating system, underfloor or otherwise, is a long-term investment, offering longer-term savings. However, in most cases, and certainly …

Increased energy efficiency and saving money go hand-in-hand. The better insulated and efficient your home is at hanging onto heat, the more money you will save. But why does the installation of high quality underfloor heating kits make such a big difference? Are the savings after installation costs worth it?

underfloor heating, environment, green living, Living life Our Way

Installation Costs Vs. Savings
Take a moment to research underfloor heating, including its pros and cons, and you will see various articles that examine installation costs versus savings. Estimates of installation costs and savings fluctuate, depending on the source of the article. Some say that the savings are out of this world. Others suggest that the saving are too low to make the installation of the underfloor heating systems a viable solution.

Then there are running costs to consider too. For example, wet underfloor heating kits are more expensive to install but deliver better savings. Dry or electric mats are simpler, easier and cheaper to install but are more expensive to run.

So, what is the answer? Like any heating system, there are pros and cons. But the facts are a little simpler to decipher; a new heating system, underfloor or otherwise, is a long-term investment, offering longer-term savings. However, in most cases, and certainly when it comes to underfloor heating that is water based, savings are immediate. You will notice a difference in your energy bills, but the savings may not be the thousands of pounds every year – there is no heating system that can deliver this!

Use with alternative sources of energy
There is some suggestion that by using underfloor heating with alternative sources of energy you could save even more. This is a possibility, in the long term.

  • Ground source heat – this is where a series of pipes are buried deep in the ground. They use the heat in the earth to heat water running through your wet underfloor heating system. Clearly, as well as installation costs of the underfloor heating system, there is the additional expense of sinking pipes into the ground. Not suitable for all properties but has the potential to produce minimal heating bills.
  • Solar power – with a line of efficient solar panels on your south facing roof, you could generate enough electricity to heat an electric underfloor heating system. Again, there are double installation costs. However, if you generate too much solar power, you can use it elsewhere in your home, or sell it onto the National Grid and benefit from the Government pay-in tariff scheme.

Use with combi-boilers
There are various schemes around that help to pay for old, inefficient boilers to be replaced. A combi-boiler is possibly one of the most efficient pieces of kit to heat your home, using less energy to produce the same level of heat as an older boiler would. A combi-boiler can be used with a wet underfloor heating kit and produces some great savings. This is because the system runs at a lower temperature, over a longer period of time.

You can liken this to driving a car. If you drive a car at full speed, with heavy braking and poor cornering, a tank of fuel will not last as long as if you drive at an optimum speed, with gentle braking and careful cornering. The same is true of combi-boilers and wet underfloor heating system. The energy used is lower and constant, as opposed to the system being asked to crank up from a low level to a high level, and in the least amount of time possible.

High Insulation Levels
Finally, a reputable underfloor heating supplier and installation company will tell you one thing; if you are serious about having a warm, cosy home and minimal heating bills, you need to invest in insulating your home. This is not about fitting draught excluders, but investing in super-insulation measures, such as;

  • Wall insulation – using cavity wall insulation or solid wall systems will make a big difference to the insulation properties of your home. An additional cost but an insulation tool that will have an immediate effect on decreasing your energy consumption to heat your home.
  • Double glazed windows – A+ rated double glazed windows and doors will also improve the energy efficiency of your property.
  • Loft insulation – when was the last time you updated your loft insulation? If it has a depth of less than 270mm, you are losing heat through the roof.
  • Floor insulation – all reputable underfloor heating installers will ensure that the kit sits on high-quality insulation boards so that no heat is lost to the ground.

Underfloor heating will make a difference to both room temperature and your heating bills. Why not start saving money and be cosy warm with underfloor heating?

Underfloor Heating Trade Supplies have a range of high-quality underfloor heating kits and components, perfect for both professional and DIY installation.


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