​Win Activ8rlives Sleek Bluetooth Smart Scales for Christmas

I have some news and a giveaway to share with you! Activ8rlives got in touch to let me know about their fantastic 3 for 2 Christmas offer; you can buy a combination of Smart Scales, BuddyBand2, Blood Pressure monitor, Pulse Oximeter and Peak Flow meter, in any combination of 3 for the price of 2. Awesome deal! I don’t have any of these myself (yet! I will be reviewing the Blood Pressure Monitor soon, so look out for that!) but I have heard great things about the Smart Scales! A fellow blogger, Just Average Jen, reviewed them and she wrote that they were stylish, easy to set up and use, and accurate – sounds good to me! You can read her review here: Just Average Jen – Body Analyser Review. Here is your chance to win the sleek Activ8rlives Body Analyser Smart Scales, measuring weight, body and visceral fat, muscle mass, hydration and BMI. Activ8rlives’ health+wellness monitors are easy to operate and are supplied with printed colour manuals and free Activ8rlives4 Health+Wellness App (iOS and Android), which guides you through the process of connecting. Data is then automatically uploaded via Bluetooth, stored securely in the UK, and allows weight, diet and wellness …

I have some news and a giveaway to share with you! Activ8rlives got in touch to let me know about their fantastic 3 for 2 Christmas offer; you can buy a combination of Smart Scales, BuddyBand2, Blood Pressure monitor, Pulse Oximeter and Peak Flow meter, in any combination of 3 for the price of 2. Awesome deal! I don’t have any of these myself (yet! I will be reviewing the Blood Pressure Monitor soon, so look out for that!) but I have heard great things about the Smart Scales! A fellow blogger, Just Average Jen, reviewed them and she wrote that they were stylish, easy to set up and use, and accurate – sounds good to me! You can read her review here: Just Average Jen – Body Analyser Review.

Body Analyser Smart Scales image with info about activ8rlives 3 for 2 offer

Here is your chance to win the sleek Activ8rlives Body Analyser Smart Scales, measuring weight, body and visceral fat, muscle mass, hydration and BMI. Activ8rlives’ health+wellness monitors are easy to operate and are supplied with printed colour manuals and free Activ8rlives4 Health+Wellness App (iOS and Android), which guides you through the process of connecting. Data is then automatically uploaded via Bluetooth, stored securely in the UK, and allows weight, diet and wellness tracking over time. The perfect device to help you monitor and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, for you and your family.

Free Customer Support 7-Days-a-week 01480 352821.


Entry to the giveaway is via rafflecopter below. One lucky reader will receive a set of Body Analyser Smart Scales.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

UK residents only. Competition ends 7th December 2017. Other T&Cs apply. Good luck! 

154 thoughts on “​Win Activ8rlives Sleek Bluetooth Smart Scales for Christmas”

  1. I definately need “smart scales”, my current ones are dim, they say I weigh the same as a “small family car”, despite losing over seven stones. The “smart ones” might help with the next five!

  2. Wow, these sound amazing! Everything is going “smart” these days! 😉 My husband and I both need to lose weight so this would come in handy! Btw, we homeschool too – in Northern Ireland. 🙂 Best wishes!! 😀

  3. They sound really good and as I’ve recently signed back up to the gym after having my 9 month old daughter they would be perfect to keep me on track xxx

  4. I’d love a new smart set of scales. The set I have is about 40 years old and only weighs is pounds, so I’m always having to convert to stones and pounds or kilos.

  5. I haven’t had a scale for a few years now but know that it does help with my weight struggle to have one to monitor things and give me a goal to work towards.

  6. Just what I need! Our doctor’s just told me our current scales are 8lbs out!!! 8lbs! A nasty surprise, so these are perfect – and accurate!

  7. These scales would really inspire me with my New Years resolution to lose weight and help me to keep track of all the progress I make.

  8. Great prize if you look at the whole health aspect and don’t focus purely on weight and weigh yourself far too often – I knew someone who actually used to jump on the scales every time she’d been to the toilet.

  9. Great for aiding weight loss after Christmas as two of my children are getting married next year and I have to say to the dresses.

  10. I’ve been doing Slimming World since June this yr. I’ve managed to lose 2 stone. I still have a long way to go. I’ve never seen anything like this. I agree it looks so stylish, this would definitely help me.

  11. The bluetooth scales would be a great start for us in January. Hubby & I are teaming up together to see who can become more healthy in 2018…..

  12. It was perfect timing seeing this as I think my current scales have had some sort of panic attack (they probably looked at me!) – I woke up in the early hours of this morning and they were flashing on and off, filling the bathroom with a spooky blue light. It’s not the battery as I only put new ones in last week….. So I’d really love to replace them with some that would behave themselves properly.
    Jane Willis

  13. This would come in very handy as I am trying to lose weight and have been for a number of weeks. Problem is my scales are ancient and every time I get on them nothing has changed. Think its the scales ( well hoping so anyway)

  14. I could do with these! The scales at my parents are very old fashioned and I’m sure Im getting heavier on them. Obviously broke! 😉

  15. This would be great for me to keep a handle on my weight, as all my painkillers slow my metabolism and if i’m not careful i’ll get fat!!

  16. Fantastic prize, would love it. Just wanted to tell you that the Instagram link is incorrect in the rafflecopter incase you didn’t know but I am following you on there.

  17. These sound AMAZING! I’ve always wanted a pair of super smart scales like this – I love the way they can measure fat and muscle mass, because that can make such a difference. You really can make a lifestyle change as well, with this kind of monitoring

  18. I have a really old set of scales that are about 25 years old! I’m sure they don’t weigh properly anymore. I would love these as I plan on trying to lose weight next year & it would be nice to have an accurate reading.

  19. I’d love this. I wear a fitness tracker, but weigh manually, so having an app to record my weight automatically would be amazing.

  20. This is would be fabulous to help me lose weight after Christmas and I like how all the different body aspects are measured. x

  21. When my Brother had a TIA stroke last year I decided that I would also loose some weight, I’ve managed to loose two stone but I don’t have my own scales & don’t actually know what I weigh now so this scales would be a great help in continuing to loose weight the healthy way xxx


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