World Oceans Day 2017 (and #30DaysWild linky!) 

We are now one week into #30DaysWild and so it’s time for a new linky! Thank you to everybody who linked up in the first week, I really enjoyed reading your posts and connecting with you. What has been your favourite challenge so far? And what ideas do you have for the rest of the month? I would love to hear from you! Today is World Oceans Day, so I would like to share some information about useful resources and how we can help to protect our oceans. Late last night, I wrote a post about current campaigns, which you can read here. Previously, I have also written about other ways you can protect our oceans and why microbeads should be banned. Last but not least, Marine Conservation Society have some great plastic reduction tips or share your own! Plus grab yourself some sustainable plastic alternatives from their store too. If you would like to read more about the wonders of our oceans, Global Guardian project have a free Oceans Capsule for download. Or read about the therapeutic benefits of water in the book Blue Mind by Dr Wallace J Nichols. (Amazon affiliate link).  What are you doing to celebrate World Oceans Day? Tell me in comments! An InLinkz Link-up

We are now one week into #30DaysWild and so it’s time for a new linky! Thank you to everybody who linked up in the first week, I really enjoyed reading your posts and connecting with you. What has been your favourite challenge so far? And what ideas do you have for the rest of the month? I would love to hear from you!

World Ocean Day, ocean, environment, plastic free, green living, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, 30 days wild, marine conservation society

Today is World Oceans Day, so I would like to share some information about useful resources and how we can help to protect our oceans. Late last night, I wrote a post about current campaigns, which you can read here. Previously, I have also written about other ways you can protect our oceans and why microbeads should be banned. Last but not least, Marine Conservation Society have some great plastic reduction tips or share your own! Plus grab yourself some sustainable plastic alternatives from their store too.

World Ocean Day, ocean, environment, plastic free, green living, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, 30 days wild, marine conservation society

If you would like to read more about the wonders of our oceans, Global Guardian project have a free Oceans Capsule for download. Or read about the therapeutic benefits of water in the book Blue Mind by Dr Wallace J Nichols. (Amazon affiliate link). 

What are you doing to celebrate World Oceans Day? Tell me in comments!

8 thoughts on “World Oceans Day 2017 (and #30DaysWild linky!) ”

  1. I didn’t know about World Oceans Day but I can see the importance of looking after our oceans. I love the sea and feel lucky that we are less than 2 hours away from one. x

  2. I’m so glad I’ve come across your blog as this is very much up my street! So many great resources here which I’ll be checking out regularly xx

  3. I didn’t realise! We went to the beach last weekend. There is something so special about watching the sea

  4. I didn’t know it was World Oceans Day, or even that there was such a thing. We’ve mostly been snuggling on the sofa, but your photo makes me want to go to the beach (it wont be happening though as I don’t fancy a 2 hour drive).


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