10 Super Ingredients For Fibre Rich Smoothies

It is no secret that I love a good smoothie. In fact, I rely on smoothies a lot to get the nutrients that a hectic, busy lifestyle leaves me short on; being both vegetarian and a carer means that getting what I need can sometimes be a challenge. A chief one being fibre. Fortunately, there are a number of ingredients that significantly augment any smoothies to ensure the fibre needed… Nuts Nuts are high in antioxidants, contain numerous vitamins and minerals and are good at combatting cardiovascular disease. They’re strong sources of protein and fibre plus they can add a complimentary flavour or aftertaste to your smoothies. Almonds, pine, pistachios, hazelnuts and pecans are all fab choices. Seeds Seeds contain healthy monosaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They can also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Finally, seeds are excellent sources of fibre. I never make a smoothie without some! Flax, chia and hemp seeds are especially good choices. Raspberries Many fruits have a decent fibre count. Apples, oranges, bananas all do, as do mango. But raspberries are especially great choices (with an estimated 8g per cup). You generally cannot go wrong with any berry in fact. Banana …

10 Super Ingredients For Fibre Rich Smoothies

It is no secret that I love a good smoothie. In fact, I rely on smoothies a lot to get the nutrients that a hectic, busy lifestyle leaves me short on; being both vegetarian and a carer means that getting what I need can sometimes be a challenge. A chief one being fibre. Fortunately, there are a number of ingredients that significantly augment any smoothies to ensure the fibre needed…

10 Super Ingredients For Fibre Rich Smoothies


Nuts are high in antioxidants, contain numerous vitamins and minerals and are good at combatting cardiovascular disease. They’re strong sources of protein and fibre plus they can add a complimentary flavour or aftertaste to your smoothies. Almonds, pine, pistachios, hazelnuts and pecans are all fab choices.


Seeds contain healthy monosaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. They can also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Finally, seeds are excellent sources of fibre. I never make a smoothie without some! Flax, chia and hemp seeds are especially good choices.


Many fruits have a decent fibre count. Apples, oranges, bananas all do, as do mango. But raspberries are especially great choices (with an estimated 8g per cup). You generally cannot go wrong with any berry in fact.

High fibre breakfast smoothie


Bananas are a widely consumed source of fibre. There are many benefits of eating them regularly; among them that they aid digestive health. The fibre content and digestive health benefits make them an excellent ingredient choice.

Almond Butter

A delicious alternative to peanut butter that you can either buy in store or make at home and it’s super easy. Just roast a tray full of almonds and then blend them. Almond butter is a slightly healthier option than its more popular peanut counterpart; it has more minerals, vitamins and of course, fibre. So, by adding a little almond butter you get a delicious fibre-filled treat added to your smoothie.


It is generally recommended by smoothie aficionados to add at least one dark, leafy green (spinach is another popular choice). These dark greens are an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as calcium and fibre. Of course, this is also a way to introduce veggies to your diet if you’re otherwise struggling to get them.


For convenience, oats can be added raw. Alternatively, they can be cooked and give the smoothie a creamier taste. Personally, I have them uncooked. Either way, they’re a gluten-free whole grain that are full of vitamins, antioxidants and fibre. In terms of your smoothie though; they’ll thicken it up and make it more filling (as well as adding that much needed fibre boost).


Adding a little bran cereal will significantly boost the fibre content whilst thickening the smoothie to give it a satisfying texture.

Hemp Protein Powder

Hemp powder is super effective at getting both protein (naturally) and fibre in your diet. Plus, hemp contains essential fatty acids that aid in energy production. This isn’t to mention that it reinforces the immune system.

Peel/Skin of Fruits

Citrus fruits and banana skins especially are good choices. They’re full of fibre and various other nutrients. Some people might find these a little bitter however, so, I would recommend complimenting them with otherwise sweet ingredients.

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