100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 38 (Rebecca)

Introduction I’m Rebecca, I have two boys. Stanley is 5 and Ronnie is 2.  How long have you home educated for and what made you decide to do it? We’ve home educated Stanley from the beginning. It started when we were offered a school place at a school which was not good at the time. Once we looked into home ed I fell in love with it and we decided to go for it!  What was your highlight of home ed last week? Stanley getting out the art basket and creating freely and experimenting with different materials.  What is your favourite thing about home edding your children? Spending my time with them and watching them grow and develop 💙 What do you find most difficult and why? At first it was being different that scared me, I didn’t have faith in myself I guess. Now I’ve seen how amazingly Stanley is doing, I don’t doubt our decision! What advice would you give to other home educators? Have faith in yourself and your children! There will be harder days but it’s all worth it!! And get outside lots, it helps with concentration too!  Here is my YouTube channel. I’d love you to follow …


I’m Rebecca, I have two boys. Stanley is 5 and Ronnie is 2. 

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, Living Life Our Way, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, guest post, Home Education, interview, Q and A

How long have you home educated for and what made you decide to do it?

We’ve home educated Stanley from the beginning. It started when we were offered a school place at a school which was not good at the time. Once we looked into home ed I fell in love with it and we decided to go for it! 

What was your highlight of home ed last week?

Stanley getting out the art basket and creating freely and experimenting with different materials. 

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, Living Life Our Way, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, guest post, Home Education, interview, Q and A

What is your favourite thing about home edding your children?
Spending my time with them and watching them grow and develop 💙

What do you find most difficult and why?

At first it was being different that scared me, I didn’t have faith in myself I guess. Now I’ve seen how amazingly Stanley is doing, I don’t doubt our decision!

What advice would you give to other home educators?

Have faith in yourself and your children! There will be harder days but it’s all worth it!! And get outside lots, it helps with concentration too! 

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, Living Life Our Way, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, guest post, Home Education, interview, Q and A

Here is my YouTube channel. I’d love you to follow our journey. 


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