What To Expect On Your First Safari: Guest Post by Micaela at Stylish London Living

Have you been dreaming of booking your first Safari? Can’t wait to get up close with Africa’s extraordinary wildlife? Worried about what to expect once you’ve booked? Last year my sister and I took the plunge and experienced our first, and hopefully not last, Safari with a 7 night itinerary in Kenya. I am a … Read more

Our Small Lifestyle Changes To Become More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post by Tummy2Mummy

Our Small Lifestyle Changes To Become More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post by Tummy2Mummy

Each time I see evidence of the way we are destroying our planet my heart breaks. I feel so guilty and helpless for all the animals, their natural habitats destroyed. Whilst I think large companies have a huge responsibility, we all need to be making some lifestyle changes. I always felt like I wasn’t doing … Read more

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

Squiggle and I have been to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo many times; infact, when she was younger, we were members for several years. We love it there. However, Aaron and the two papalites had never been before… until recently, when they visited to explore the wonders of Whipsnade Zoo for the first time, including the new … Read more

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post – Midlands Traveller

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post - Midlands Traveller

When it comes to being environmentally-friendly, then gardening is one of the best ways that you can get in touch with nature. You can also use your garden to make your home greener, so as well as having green fingers, you will also have some green credentials. Let our simple tips help you to make … Read more

How To Live Your Best Low Carbon Lifestyle: Guest Post by Simone at Midlands Traveller

How To Live Your Best Low Carbon Lifestyle: Guest Post by Simone at Midlands Traveller

As Zero Waste Week rolls around this year people taking part are looking to up their game when it comes to living their best sustainable low carbon lifestyle. This includes reducing their carbon footprint. This needn’t be a tricky thing to do. We offer these simple tips for you to try during Zero Waste Week. … Read more

Paradise Wildlife Park Review: Guest Post by The Busy Papa

Paradise Wildlife Park review. ZSH, zoo, Hertfordshire. Family days out with kids.

Last week The Busy Papa visited Paradise Wildlife Park for the first time. Here is his review of their day out… *Disclosure: We were given free entry for himself and the two kids in exchange for writing this review. As always, all thoughts and opinions are our own. Paradise Wildlife Park (ZSH) is a family-run … Read more

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

Is Your Diet Making You More Anxious? Guest Post by The Busy Papa

The world of nutrition and the physical and mental reactions to what we put in our bodies is a complicated one. Truth be told, humanity is still developing an understanding of this and isn’t quite there yet. What we do know however is that what we digest affects more than just our physical wellbeing. Studies … Read more

The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane by Dee MacDonald: Guest Post by Tea and Cake for the Soul

The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane by Dee MacDonald

Having read The Getaway Girls I was keen to read The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane, also by Dee MacDonald. This is a story about Orla and Tess, 2 ladies in their 60s, who run a boutique for larger ladies called Curvaceous. Both are single through divorce and/or death and as they are looking to … Read more

The Juggling Act: Finding A Work/Life Balance As A First Time Mum – A Guest Post by Tummy2Mummy (Marie)

The Juggling Act: Finding A Work/Life Balance As A First Time Mum - A Guest Post by Tummy 2 Mummy (Marie)

After taking a year off work and going on maternity leave, I had mixed feelings about returning to work. I was anxious, excited and worried, what if I’d forgotten everything I knew? It was a genuine fear, what If I don’t remember anything at all? What if all my work knowledge had gone to mush? … Read more