100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 42 (With a Hop, Skip and a Jump)

My name is Kate and my husband home educates our eldest son Dylan. We have two younger children who both attend mainstream local schools. Dylan attended special education settings until year 4 when we decided to home educate using a ABA (applied behaviour analysis) approach. Our reason for home educating was because we felt that Dylans needs weren’t being met and as a quiet and easy child he was being overlooked. Initally the education was overseen by a privately funded ABA consultant who visits us once a month to see how we are getting on. We review targets, trouble shoot and set new programmes. The set up is geared up totally towards Dylan and what he needs. When we first started there were lessons to hold a pencil. To come and sit down. To learn to write his name. It then became more academic with counting, working with money and time and basic reading. As Dylan is now 13 we are looking at more life skill activities such as shopping for groceries, making basic meals, travel practice etc. There is no typical week. Some weeks are more productive than others. Some are spend consolidating previous skills. It’s flexible! The favourite …

#100daysofhomeed, #LoveHomeEd, 100 days of home ed, freedom to learn, guest post, Home Education

My name is Kate and my husband home educates our eldest son Dylan. We have two younger children who both attend mainstream local schools.
Dylan attended special education settings until year 4 when we decided to home educate using a ABA (applied behaviour analysis) approach. Our reason for home educating was because we felt that Dylans needs weren’t being met and as a quiet and easy child he was being overlooked.

Initally the education was overseen by a privately funded ABA consultant who visits us once a month to see how we are getting on. We review targets, trouble shoot and set new programmes. The set up is geared up totally towards Dylan and what he needs. When we first started there were lessons to hold a pencil. To come and sit down. To learn to write his name. It then became more academic with counting, working with money and time and basic reading.

As Dylan is now 13 we are looking at more life skill activities such as shopping for groceries, making basic meals, travel practice etc. There is no typical week. Some weeks are more productive than others. Some are spend consolidating previous skills. It’s flexible!

The favourite thing about home edding is the pace. Dylan was always so anxious with the unpredictability and rush of the school run and the school day it was a real barrier to his learning. He is so much happier now and thus able to learn!

The hardest thing about home education is the cost. With sen and no financial help it means that overtime at work is a must! It’s also hard in school holidays when every where’s so busy, and we’ve got used to everywhere being quiet and relaxed during term time.

Advice? Go with your gut instinct. The idea of home education is a frightening one but the reality is its really cool. As parents we know our kids better than anyone and if home education is something your considering then chances are it’s worth taking the plunge and doing it!

Follow Kate and Dylan’s journey over at their blog:


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