5 Eco-friendly Wellness Ideas To Begin Living Sustainably

Sustainability, going green, eco-friendly: they all have the same meaning, but how can this rewarding lifestyle be tangibly put into practice? Making and maintaining environmentally friendly choices in your life won’t just happen overnight. Rather, it’s a gradual process with enormous benefits for both yourself and our planet. Before jumping into drastic changes, you can easily begin your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle through the simplest of acts. If going green is what you envision for now and the future, here are five eco-friendly wellness ideas that you can start incorporating into your lifestyle today.  Eco-Friendly Water Bottles Remember, going green starts with the smallest of changes. Exchanging single use water bottles for an eco-friendly, reusable version means you’ll be contributing to the global effort of plastic reduction, one bottle at a time! The unfortunate fact is that discarded plastic is a leading cause of global warming and water pollution. In particular, plastic can damage our ecosystems by distributing toxin compounds which can be fatal for marine life and birds. Stainless steel, bamboo and insulated thermal bottles are all excellent, durable alternatives to single-use bottles, allowing you to stay hydrated while saving a substantial amount of money each year.  …

Sustainability, going green, eco-friendly: they all have the same meaning, but how can this rewarding lifestyle be tangibly put into practice? Making and maintaining environmentally friendly choices in your life won’t just happen overnight. Rather, it’s a gradual process with enormous benefits for both yourself and our planet. Before jumping into drastic changes, you can easily begin your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle through the simplest of acts. If going green is what you envision for now and the future, here are five eco-friendly wellness ideas that you can start incorporating into your lifestyle today. 

Eco-Friendly Water Bottles

Remember, going green starts with the smallest of changes. Exchanging single use water bottles for an eco-friendly, reusable version means you’ll be contributing to the global effort of plastic reduction, one bottle at a time! The unfortunate fact is that discarded plastic is a leading cause of global warming and water pollution. In particular, plastic can damage our ecosystems by distributing toxin compounds which can be fatal for marine life and birds. Stainless steel, bamboo and insulated thermal bottles are all excellent, durable alternatives to single-use bottles, allowing you to stay hydrated while saving a substantial amount of money each year. 


Deemed as a non-toxic substance with a “good safety profile” by the World Health Organisation in 2017, CBD (cannabidiol) is the newest wellness trend with both eco-friendly and therapeutic benefits for the user. Safely extracted from the hemp plant and separate from the psychotropic substance THC, cannabidiol can be taken as CBD drops/sprays, CBD gummies, CBD e-liquids, and even CBD cosmetics. 

An extensive amount of research has indicated that this compound has impressive benefits for both our physical and mental health. It’s understood that CBD safely collaborates with and supports our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), an intricate network within the body which regulates a number of vital functions for natural balance. In doing so, it’s understood that CBD can contribute to an improved sleep cycle, boosted mood, and even relief from inflammation and chronic pain. 

As well as being biodegradable and recyclable, CBD products are able to meet the demands of conscientious consumers in terms of its eco-friendly, no-waste cultivation process. As explained by Vitality CBD, cannabidiol is widely used for a broad range of different purposes other than CBD products, extending to textiles, rope, and paper. Moreover, hemp crops only require small portions of land to grow rapidly and efficiently, and are not laden with environmentally damaging pesticides during cultivation. 

The deep roots of the hemp plant allow water and nutrients to be sourced below the topsoil, safeguarding the ground’s vital minerals. Hemp has also been evidenced to remove traces of heavy metals in soil, and is even proven to positively impact our air quality. Remarkably, for every ton of hemp that is grown, 1.63 tonnes of carbon is processed! 
5 Eco-friendly Wellness Ideas To Begin Living Sustainably

Vegan Diet

Vegan diets consist of foods that are only derived from plant origins. They consist of fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, lentils, beans, grains, and avoid food from animals such as meat (including fish), cheese, yoghurt, milk, and eggs. However, there are a few variations to the vegan diet that people may choose instead. 

Veganism has become a monumental collective effort across the globe. Within only the past decade, millions have turned to plant-based diets to help tackle the myriad of environmental issues caused by meat consumption. Raising animal livestock inevitably contributes to water pollution, energy consumption, and weakened soil, all of which wreak havoc on the environment. 

A common misconception surrounding veganism is that it can be difficult to consume enough protein in a diet that avoids meat entirely. Innovation in the food industry has fortunately offered a range of vegan alternatives, however. Natural sources such as tofu, nut butters, kidney beans, chickpeas, and pulses remain popular among vegan diets for their impressive amounts of protein. 

Reusable Feminine Care Products

The environmental effects of sanitary waste is staggering. Annually, 200,000 tonnes of disposable sanitary products are discarded as waste or flushed away, resulting in harm to wildlife and plants in our seas and oceans. Studies have revealed that one sanitary pad alone can take up to 500 years to decompose due to their non-biodegradable material. 

Knowing these concerning facts, it would only make sense to consider opting for sanitary products, which are plastic-free and reusable. It may sound impossible or even odd, however feminine care products such as reusable menstrual cups thankfully do exist. These cups can be easily washed and reused, collect flow rather than absorb it, and are even thought to be a more comfortable option for those who menstruate – what’s not to love?

Sustainable Cosmetics 

Sustainable cosmetics, whether in the form of make-up, skincare, body or hair care, have been in the spotlight for a very long time, and with good reason! With many cosmetic products still containing non-recyclable packaging and unethically sourced ingredients, more and more brands in the beauty industry are making the pledge to turn towards more sustainable alternatives. 

Not only are eco-friendly cosmetics a fantastic way to show your respect to the environment, but they also have many underrated beauty benefits. Most if not all sustainable cosmetics include natural ingredients chosen to nourish, cleanse and protect all skin and hair types. A select few even contain antioxidants with anti-aging properties! Better yet, unless you’re buying from a highly prestigious brand, eco-friendly cosmetics don’t come with a higher price tag than regular products, making them an ideal choice for all budgets. 

Author bio

Jennifer Williams is a Staffordshire based copywriter with notable expertise in the travel, fitness and well-being sectors. While studying English and Journalism at Coventry University, she worked as a freelance copywriter for a variety of industries and niches. 

*This is a collaborative post

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