5 Ways to Build Confidence in the New Year

With the new year comes waves of self-improvement and weight-loss ads, being bombarded left and right with new diets, and everyone saying you must make some grandiose resolution gesture. Many of us take a confidence hit over the holidays because maybe we ate and drank a bit too much and our clothes are feeling snug. Or perhaps you are just so worn out, you don’t want to do self-care or hit the gym.  I get it. Feeling inspired and motivated isn’t always an easy task, any time of the year. So today I share with you five ways to give your confidence a boost, so you start 2020 off right.  Quit the Negative Self Talk They say our words and thoughts become our reality. One of the best ways to improve self-esteem is to quit negative self-talk because that perpetuates bad feelings about yourself. I know this is easier said than done, so start by writing the qualities you love about yourself in a journal. Or write them on post-it notes and stick them around your house. When you pass a note, say the quality out loud like, “I am beautiful”. Also, write down your victories and successes each day …

With the new year comes waves of self-improvement and weight-loss ads, being bombarded left and right with new diets, and everyone saying you must make some grandiose resolution gesture. Many of us take a confidence hit over the holidays because maybe we ate and drank a bit too much and our clothes are feeling snug. Or perhaps you are just so worn out, you don’t want to do self-care or hit the gym. 

I get it. Feeling inspired and motivated isn’t always an easy task, any time of the year. So today I share with you five ways to give your confidence a boost, so you start 2020 off right. 

5 Ways to Build Confidence in the New Year

Quit the Negative Self Talk

They say our words and thoughts become our reality. One of the best ways to improve self-esteem is to quit negative self-talk because that perpetuates bad feelings about yourself. I know this is easier said than done, so start by writing the qualities you love about yourself in a journal. Or write them on post-it notes and stick them around your house. When you pass a note, say the quality out loud like, “I am beautiful”. Also, write down your victories and successes each day in the journal. When you start to feel down about yourself, take a look at your positive traits and achievements for an instant confidence boost.

Get a Facial Treatment or Body Enhancement

The body positivity movement is all about feeling happy with your body, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to want to change something about your appearance. If you tend to focus on a little flaw on your face or body when you look in the mirror, maybe consider getting a non-surgical procedure. If doing something small like softening the wrinkles around your mouth or eyes or even having a lip enhancement gives you an extra confidence boost, I’m all for it. Just be sure to find a reputable clinic and look at reviews online. Or maybe you want to give micro-needling a try to refresh the skin, or get your teeth whitened? There’re a number of easy and affordable treatments that will help you feel beautiful. 

Do Something Creative & Fun

Have you been itching to take a pottery class or check out that new dance studio down the street? The new year is a good time to do something creative — either something you already know you are good at or a brand new activity. Being creative not only builds self-esteem, but it also helps relieve stress, which is exactly what we need after the busy Christmas season. Many companies offer new year’s discounts, so take advantage of these specials and get those creative juices flowing.

Volunteer at a Shelter

You might not realise this, but when you do something nice for others, it boosts your self-esteem and warms your heart. Have you considered volunteering at a local animal shelter or maybe a soup kitchen? It will bring a smile to your face to help those less fortunate. Perhaps you can foster an animal in addition to some volunteer hours. There’s nothing like the love and snuggles a companion pet can give. 

Talk to Someone

Sometimes our confidence issues are bigger than we can handle, and are because of some trauma we experienced earlier in life. It doesn’t hurt to talk to a professional if negative feelings are getting in the way of your work and life. A therapist can help you see things more clearly because often, we are our worst enemy.

Just remember it’s perfectly normal to feel in a bit of a funk after the holidays. We hope these tips will help you on your way to feeling better with new and improved self-confidence.

*This is a collaborative post

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