A Quick Cuppa… Me, Him, The Dog and A Baby

Tell me about yourself… I’m Lyndsey, 30 and I live in North Norfolk with my husband, one year old daughter Erin and crazy dog Jackson. I blog over at Me, him, the dog and a baby although I didn’t start off that way. I think I’ve had three blogs before this one, on and off since 2010. I used to be a book blogger but decided to change direction since becoming pregnant with Erin. I certainly don’t have time for anything other than picture books any more! Who is your biggest inspiration? My family. Every day they inspire me to work harder and do better at everything. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? I would describe my blog as a family blog. As you can tell by the name, I write about all members of my family so I can’t class the theme as parenting. I also love to talk about our home and anything we do to it, days out, food and other random topics. As I said earlier, I used to have a book blog but the time I had to read changed and other things became more important in …

blogger, A Quick Cuppa With, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Tell me about yourself…

I’m Lyndsey, 30 and I live in North Norfolk with my husband, one year old daughter Erin and crazy dog Jackson. I blog over at Me, him, the dog and a baby although I didn’t start off that way. I think I’ve had three blogs before this one, on and off since 2010. I used to be a book blogger but decided to change direction since becoming pregnant with Erin. I certainly don’t have time for anything other than picture books any more!

A Quick Cuppa With, blogger, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My family. Every day they inspire me to work harder and do better at everything.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

I would describe my blog as a family blog. As you can tell by the name, I write about all members of my family so I can’t class the theme as parenting. I also love to talk about our home and anything we do to it, days out, food and other random topics.

As I said earlier, I used to have a book blog but the time I had to read changed and other things became more important in life. I wanted to write about those things instead!

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I guess really I should say that I blog part time and work part time. I work three evenings a week in a supermarket as we have no childcare for Erin during the day. I also hated my old job so decided not to go back when my maternity leave ended.

However, I blog A LOT. I generally do something to do with blogging from about 8pm until about midnight on days I don’t work and then for an hour or so a night on the days I do work.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Don’t compare yourself!! I think it’s really important to blog for you and do it exactly how you want to, especially when it comes to opportunities and paid work. Bloggers can get so caught up in how much other people get paid, me included at times, and can feel pressured to do something they don’t really want to. It also takes all of the fun out of blogging if it causes stress and upset.

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

I honestly don’t really have much free time. Erin and I spend all day together until I go to work 3 evenings a week. On the evenings I don’t work I still don’t really sit down until about 8pm when Erin goes to bed. This is when I usually start doing anything I need to do for my blog, sometimes until midnight or later. My one thing to relax though is a nice hot bubble bath!

What are your favourite family activities?

My husband probably wouldn’t agree but we love a trip into Norwich for the day. I know he doesn’t like the shopping part of those trips but we do always get to go and have nice food and maybe some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

If I had a choice of somewhere to go outdoors I would always pick the zoo. It doesn’t really matter which zoo it is either. The thing about zoos is that you can walk around them in any weather and still have a good time!

Best family day out?

As Erin is only 1 we don’t go out and do big things too often. However, we went to Banham Zoo recently and we had loads of fun. The food was terrible and that let it down a bit but the zoo and the animals were amazing.

blogger, Q and A, guest post, interview

Read more about their adventures here…

Blog: www.mehimthedogandababy.com


Facebook: Mehimthedogandababy

Instagram: linzeeloulabelle

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