A Quick Cuppa With… A Slice Of My Life Wales

What is everyone up to this weekend? Today Leanne joins me to talk about life in Wales, read on… Tell me about yourself… Hi! I’m Leanne, a thirty something year old based in the South Wales Valleys. I am a first time mother to Aria who is almost two years old. I must be insane because as well as a toddler I have two cats, one older more sensible cat, and one crazy kitten! Life in my house is fun! I have a passion for photography, interior design and fashion, although I am unhappy with my weight at the moment so am living out my fashion dreams through my daughter, also, I have no money so am living out my interior design dreams through Pinterest. Name one random fact about yourself. My feet are only a size four, which is great as I can sometimes get away with kids shoes which can be so much cheaper! Who is your biggest inspiration? Cheesy but I have to say my mam. Without blowing my own trumpet both myself and my sister turned out to be polite, friendly and hard working, she did a great job in raising us and if I can …

What is everyone up to this weekend? Today Leanne joins me to talk about life in Wales, read on…

A Quick Cuppa With, A Slice of Life Wales, blogger, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Tell me about yourself…

Hi! I’m Leanne, a thirty something year old based in the South Wales Valleys. I am a first time mother to Aria who is almost two years old. I must be insane because as well as a toddler I have two cats, one older more sensible cat, and one crazy kitten! Life in my house is fun! I have a passion for photography, interior design and fashion, although I am unhappy with my weight at the moment so am living out my fashion dreams through my daughter, also, I have no money so am living out my interior design dreams through Pinterest.

Name one random fact about yourself.

My feet are only a size four, which is great as I can sometimes get away with kids shoes which can be so much cheaper!

Who is your biggest inspiration?

Cheesy but I have to say my mam. Without blowing my own trumpet both myself and my sister turned out to be polite, friendly and hard working, she did a great job in raising us and if I can be half the mam she was, and still is, then I will be happy.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

I started my blog a very long time ago, around five years ago. I didn’t really know what I was doing when I started it, I just wanted some kind of online inspiration where I could keep a diary of things such as money saving and weight loss in the hope that putting it in the public eye would inspire me. From there it has grown and changed direction to become what it is today, a lifestyle and parenting blog. I blog about all kinds of different stuff, my motto is “if I love it, I blog it”. I regularly cover family days out, food, parenting – anything goes really!

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

For quite a while I blogged, worked three days a week and looked after my daughter. I found it so hard to keep on top of everything and was constantly stressed. Thankfully I am in a position where I am earning enough (not bucket loads but a part time wage) from blogging to have been able to leave work and concentrate on my blog. I now have childcare three days a week which is when I get the bulk of my blogging done and I can often be found on my laptop/phone catching up in the evenings.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Do what you want to do. There are so many blogging groups on facebook lately which are packed full of tips which is great, but what I am seeing more of is people on these groups dictating to people what they should and shouldn’t do. For example, everyone says that you should have a niche, where as I say blog about whatever you want, do what makes you happy.

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

I love to go for days out with the family, either a nice country walk or a nice meal. I’m quite easily pleased and even an afternoon browsing the shops makes me smile. I also love to chill on the sofa and binge watch Netflix, preferably with a box of chocolates.

What are your favourite family activities?

A simple walk, our aim for 2017 is to get out and about more on the weekends. We’re only two weekends in to January as I type this and we have already visited two local National Trust places that we hadn’t been to before. I love to get out with my DSLR in hand and enjoy a peaceful walk while capturing some perfect memories.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

That would be my local park. It is huge and beautiful. I grew up playing there and now get to enjoy watching the next generation playing there. There is something so special about seeing my niece and nephew (my daughter is still a bit too young!) climb the trees that my sister and I climbed when we were younger.

Best family day out?

I really enjoy going to St Fagans in Cardiff. The open air museum is fascinating to see and the grounds are beautiful.

Thank you for taking part!

See more from Leanne here…

Blog: A Slice of My Life Wales

Facebook: A Slice of My Life Wales

Twitter: @CorneliusBlog

Instagram: CorneliusBlog

YouTube: Leanne Cornelius

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