A Quick Cuppa With… Big Man in the Woods

Today’s Q&A is with vlogger, blogger, postcaster and radio presenter (phew, that is quite a list!) Big Man in the Woods.   Tell me about yourself… Hey, I’m also known as Big Man in the woods, I live in West London, married and 2 children. I vlog, podcast and blog about my camping experiences, scouts – as I’m a scout leader. Name one random fact about yourself. One of my YouTube videos has featured in FHM 😉 Who is your biggest inspiration?  My Late great Grandad Harry; he died when I was 12 and still to this day miss him so much. A few years ago, my mum gave me a ring of his to which I wear all the time. Tell me more about your blog… As I said earlier on, it is about camping (in a nutshell). I enjoy the great outdoors, and as a scout leader I have lots of tips, tricks etc… about camping. So I chat about that, new camping equipment and review camping gear.  Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips? I don’t blog full time. I have a full-time job in an Operating Theatre. …

Today’s Q&A is with vlogger, blogger, postcaster and radio presenter (phew, that is quite a list!) Big Man in the Woods.  

A Quick Cuppa With, Big Man in the Woods, blogger, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Tell me about yourself…

Hey, I’m also known as Big Man in the woods, I live in West London, married and 2 children. I vlog, podcast and blog about my camping experiences, scouts – as I’m a scout leader.

Name one random fact about yourself.

One of my YouTube videos has featured in FHM 😉

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My Late great Grandad Harry; he died when I was 12 and still to this day miss him so much. A few years ago, my mum gave me a ring of his to which I wear all the time.

Tell me more about your blog…

As I said earlier on, it is about camping (in a nutshell). I enjoy the great outdoors, and as a scout leader I have lots of tips, tricks etc… about camping. So I chat about that, new camping equipment and review camping gear. 

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I don’t blog full time. I have a full-time job in an Operating Theatre. As well as my job, I have 2 young children, I’m a scout Leader, podcast and also have a weekend Radio show both Saturday and Sundays. I honestly don’t know how I find the time.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Just do it! Don’t listen to negative comments or be put off by the lack of readers, listeners etc. they will come in due course. Just type, speak, dance or whatever you do….

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’? 

Spare time???? What’s that? A big cup of tea!

What are your favourite family activities? 

Play time in the park is amazing, I love to watch my Daughter run around, screaming and laughing as we cross the rope bridge pretending that the crocodile is trying to bite us.

My other favourite time is just sitting down with a cup of tea and a biscuit and talking to each other, what have we done at school/ work, what books are we currently reading.

As a Radio presenter, I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove music. I always have music playing around the house, in my shed, on the walk to work. What makes me smile to much is when we all have a sing and dance in the kitchen.  Who knew that my 4yr old daughter would be a massive fan of The Beatles and knows all the lyrics to “ here comes the sun”

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

The Local Park

Best family day out? 

Audley end miniature Railway. See this 
vlog from a recent Christmas visit there.

Thank you for taking part!

A Quick Cuppa With, Big Man in the Woods, blogger, vlogger, podcaster, radio presenter, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Find Big Man in the Woods at the following channels:

Website: www.bigmaninthewoods.co.uk

Facebook: Bigmaninthewoods

Twitter: @memarkyates

Instagram: @big_man_in_the_woods_

YouTube: bigmaninthewoodsuk

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