A Quick Cuppa With… Katy Kicker 

Today I am chatting to the fantastic money-saving expert and new (ish) mummy Katy Kicker… Tell me about yourself… I am a 28 year old mother of one from Essex. I have one daughter, Daisy, and I am married to Thomas. I work from home full-time and I blog as my job – I love it! I’m very fortunate that I get to spend lots of time with my family, at my allotment and generally just enjoying the things that I want to enjoy in life. Name one random fact about yourself. When I was a young child my brother and I were playing Buckaroo, a real life version. He bucked me into a door and knocked me unconscious. When I came to I was in an ambulance and my brother was declaring “I’ve killed Mum’s favourite. Nobody is going to like me anymore”. My bump was huge for at least a week! Who is your biggest inspiration? I would say that my biggest inspiration is my husband. He is a hard worker and he is dedicated to my daughter and myself. He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful Father to our daughter. Tell me about your blog. What is …

Today I am chatting to the fantastic money-saving expert and new (ish) mummy Katy Kicker

A Quick Cuppa With, Katy Kicker, blogger, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Tell me about yourself…

I am a 28 year old mother of one from Essex. I have one daughter, Daisy, and I am married to Thomas. I work from home full-time and I blog as my job – I love it! I’m very fortunate that I get to spend lots of time with my family, at my allotment and generally just enjoying the things that I want to enjoy in life.

Name one random fact about yourself.

When I was a young child my brother and I were playing Buckaroo, a real life version. He bucked me into a door and knocked me unconscious. When I came to I was in an ambulance and my brother was declaring “I’ve killed Mum’s favourite. Nobody is going to like me anymore”. My bump was huge for at least a week!

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I would say that my biggest inspiration is my husband. He is a hard worker and he is dedicated to my daughter and myself. He is a wonderful husband and a wonderful Father to our daughter.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

My blog started out about making and saving money online. I tell people how I make £1000s online every single month. The methods that I suggest are free to use and open to most people. I was inspired to start my website as I was being asked constantly for tips and ideas on a forum that I was a member of.

My theme has now changed and as well as money making and money saving I also blog about parenting and lifestyle. My blog has become an extension of myself and my family feature too.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I blog full time, around my family. I fit work in to small slots of time during nap time for my baby daughter, evenings and days when my husband is at work. My wonderful Mum has my daughter a couple of days a month to allow me to concentrate on specific tasks.

I find that keeping a to-do list, and utilising the reminders function on my MacBook really helps me to stay organised. When I remember to set reminders that is!

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Try not to focus on what other people are achieving. Nobody knows the true extent of what people are earning online, or their stats. Spend time working on your own blog and with the right content the readers will appear in time. Work on search engine optimisation from the beginning – nobody wants to go back and edit 100s of posts years down the line!

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

I love to spend quiet evenings watching films with my husband, or playing computer games. Also, we spend time down our allotment frequently and will soon be back down there for spring planting and the real work to begin again!

Since Living Life Our Way is a family lifestyle blog, I’d love to hear more about yours…

What are your favourite family activities?

Days out to the zoo, visiting my Mum, lunches in restaurants, walks to the park and playing on the swings. Our daughter is only 9 months old so she has simple tastes!

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

We have a huge town park where we live, that is more than 150 acres. We live to explore here, visit the animals that live at Pets Corner and stop off at the pub for lunch sometimes.

Best family day out?

A zoo! Any zoo. I love zoos and I can’t wait for my daughter to gain an interest in them too.

A Quick Cuppa With, Katy Kicker, blogger, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Read more from KatyKicker here…

​Website: katykicker.com

Instagram: instagram.com/katykicker

Facebook: katykickersblog 

Twitter: @katykicker

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