A Quick Cuppa With… Mrs Mummy Harris

Today I’m having a cuppa with Mrs Mummy Harris. To find out which famous celebrity​ she used to work with, and what she does on her daily commute, then read on…  Tell me about yourself… I’m Lianne, Just hit the big 3-0 and mummy to Benjamin who is nearly 8 months. Me and Hubby have been married for 2 years and live in Essex. We have two furbabies Leo and Harley who rule the roost! I have just returned to work and work for an international  Law firm specialising in Low value and Fraudlent Personal Injury Car accident claims. Name one random fact about yourself. I used to work with James Corden (Pre- America, pre gavin and stacey obvs!) Who is your biggest inspiration? I dont think I actually have just one person who is an inspiration to be honest! Im really struggling to think here. There are several people I look up to and learn from both in the blogging wold and real world. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? My blog is a parenting blog, It revolves around my life as a mum and wife so there are …

Today I’m having a cuppa with Mrs Mummy Harris. To find out which famous celebrity​ she used to work with, and what she does on her daily commute, then read on… 

Living Life Our Way, A Quick Cuppa With, guest post, interview, Q and A, blogger, Mrs Mummy Harris

Tell me about yourself…

I’m Lianne, Just hit the big 3-0 and mummy to Benjamin who is nearly 8 months. Me and Hubby have been married for 2 years and live in Essex.

We have two furbabies Leo and Harley who rule the roost! I have just returned to work and work for an international  Law firm specialising in Low value and Fraudlent Personal Injury Car accident claims.

Name one random fact about yourself.

I used to work with James Corden (Pre- America, pre gavin and stacey obvs!)

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I dont think I actually have just one person who is an inspiration to be honest! Im really struggling to think here. There are several people I look up to and learn from both in the blogging wold and real world.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

My blog is a parenting blog, It revolves around my life as a mum and wife so there are articles relating to relationships also. Its not all stepford wives-esque. Its very much “say it how it is”. I started it after my PND got a bit too much and I needed a way of venting.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I did blog full time until this week when I went back to work. It is a good thing that I am organised otherwise I dont think i’d cope blogging aswell as working full time!

My tip is to use your commute time wisely. I do my linky comments on the way home. but if you dont get internet signal, draft a post instead!

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

I would definately say to find your voice. Dont worry if your first few months sound a bit unprofessional or lengthy. You will find your voice and your flow in time. I’ve only been going four months so know I’m still new to this and still adapting and learning. But I think even the most experienced bloggers learn also!

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

Other than drinking copious amounts of alcohol, I like to read and watch movies. Dancing in my kitchen with Hubby is also a well known past time of ours!!

What are your favourite family activities?

Ben is only 7 months so family activities are few and far between, however he really loves going to London – all the lights and hustle and bustle keeps him amused for ages!!

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

We both really love Oxford as the architecture is amazing, but unfortunately we havent been there since Ben was born due to the cobbles being a nightmare for his buggy! maybe this year when he’s walking though.

Best family day out?

I think the time we went to Winter Wonderland and Ben had really started to pay an interest in everything that was around him. On the way back he entertained the whole train carriage with his dancing and cuteness and they were all laughing at how adorable he was. I wonder who he takes after hahaha!

Read more about Mummy Harris here…

Website: www.mrsmummyharris.co.uk

Instagram: mrsmummyharris86

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Facebook: mrsmummyharris86

Twitter: @mummyharris86

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