A Quick Cuppa With… Mummy Lauretta

How are we up to the middle of January already? That seems impossible! Anyway, joining me for a quick cuppa today is mum of identical twin boys, Laura.  Hi Laura! Firstly please take a moment to introduce yourself… My name is Laura, I’m 34 and a mum to 5 year old identical twin boys. I live in Nottingham with my partner who is Italian. I work 3 days a week in an office and qualified as an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Antenatal Practitioner last year. My blog Mummy Lauretta is really in its infancy.  I started it in September last year. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but what with studying and volunteering I’ve never found the time until now.  It’s a parenting and lifestyle blog.  I’m focusing on my life as a twin mum, family recipes and other things that interest me such as our days out, holidays and natural products I use. My initial training is in languages. I graduated with a degree in Italian & Spanish in 2004. Everyone asks if that’s how I met my partner but we actually met randomly in a nightclub in Nottingham in the summer of 2003! You sound busy! How …

How are we up to the middle of January already? That seems impossible! Anyway, joining me for a quick cuppa today is mum of identical twin boys, Laura. 

A Quick Cuppa With, Mummy Lauretta, blogger, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Hi Laura! Firstly please take a moment to introduce yourself…
My name is Laura, I’m 34 and a mum to 5 year old identical twin boys. I live in Nottingham with my partner who is Italian. I work 3 days a week in an office and qualified as an NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor and Antenatal Practitioner last year.

My blog Mummy Lauretta is really in its infancy.  I started it in September last year. I’ve wanted to do it for a long time but what with studying and volunteering I’ve never found the time until now.  It’s a parenting and lifestyle blog.  I’m focusing on my life as a twin mum, family recipes and other things that interest me such as our days out, holidays and natural products I use.

My initial training is in languages. I graduated with a degree in Italian & Spanish in 2004. Everyone asks if that’s how I met my partner but we actually met randomly in a nightclub in Nottingham in the summer of 2003!

You sound busy! How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I work 3 days a week now my boys are at school and with my NCT work and keeping the house clean etc I’m super busy.  I’m mostly working on my blog in the evenings when the boys have gone to bed so it’s slow progress but knowing that people are starting to read my work is amazing.  I have a calendar in the kitchen that is also a family organiser. Everyone has a column plus there is another for birthdays and other events.  As long as everything is written down on there I know what is going on and can keep on top of everything!

How do you relax? I’m not sure ‘spare’ time is the right word?! 😉

I’m part of a dance group and go to a class once a week. It’s only an hour but it’s my time where I can relax and de-stress.  When I’m in the mood and find time I love to read too. I recently read ‘Me before you’ during the Christmas break.

Who is your biggest inspiration? 
I suppose I would have to say my boys. They are constantly asking questions and look at the world so innocently.  Although sometimes it drives me crazy, it also makes me want to find out new things and expand my horizons.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

I’m so new to this that I’m not sure I can give any advice yet but if I had to say something thing it would be to just write about what you love and what inspires you.  Also read lots and aim to keep learning are two of my goals for 2017 🙂

Life with twins must be fun! What are your favourite family activities? 

We don’t get that much time to spend together as a foursome so our most common thing to do is to go to the park.  The boys take their bikes and we walk. We also love to watch family films together. For example, we recently watched Zootropolis and Kung Fu Panda 3.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

Rushcliffe Country Park. It takes about half an hour in the car to get there from our house but is brilliant for a family day out.  The children’s play area in my opinion is the best in the area with something for children big and small.  There is lots of green space, picnic areas, a lake, cycle paths, outdoor gym, bmx track and skateboard/scooter ramps.  All for a £1 voluntary car parking fee. The boys learnt to ride their bikes without stabilisers there this summer.

Best family day out? 

White Post Farm  – it’s a 15 minute drive from our house and we have spent so much time there. When the boys were 2 we got annual passes and were there on Wednesday afternoons nearly every week. The boys loved it and had their 3rd and 4th Birthday parties there.  There are animals outside and indoors, trampolines, a go kart track, outdoor play area, indoor soft play, indoor sledge track, lovely cafe and farm shop and pet shop too, something for everyone. 

A Quick Cuppa With, Mummy Lauretta, blogger, Peter Jones Photography, photographer, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way
Photo taken by Peter Jones (Laura’s brother) www.peterjones.photography

Photo Credit: Peter Jones Photography 

Thank you for taking part and all the best with your goals for 2017! 

You can find Laura here…

Website: www.mummylauretta.com

Twitter: @mummylauretta

Instagram: @mummylauretta

Facebook: facebook.com/Mummy-Lauretta

Pinterest: mummylauretta

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