A Quick Cuppa With… Not A Perfect Parent

​Continuing with my guest series, I have another blogger for you today; the lovely Naomi from Not A Perfect Parent. So grab yourself a cuppa and welcome Naomi to my little home on the internet… Hello Naomi! Please introduce yourself… I’m Naomi! I got engaged to Babs in January 2015 and then Lola was born in January 2016! We live in Maidstone, Kent and hopefully moving soon as we desperately need a bigger place for all Lola’s toys! Babs and I met whilst we were working together a few years ago, I left the company and then he left, I went back and then he went back! That’s when we got together!  I fell pregnant only 6 months after we got together and it was 1000% the right thing regardless of what anybody said about us not being together long enough! Lola is our entire world! Name one random fact about yourself. I have a degree in Music and Education Studies! I’ve always wanted to be a music therapist! One day that dream may come true but I don’t think it will be any time soon! Who is your biggest inspiration?  Giovanna Fletcher! She is fantastic, she is so down to …

​Continuing with my guest series, I have another blogger for you today; the lovely Naomi from Not A Perfect Parent. So grab yourself a cuppa and welcome Naomi to my little home on the internet…

A Quick Cuppa With, Not A Perfect Parent, blogger, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Hello Naomi! Please introduce yourself…
I’m Naomi! I got engaged to Babs in January 2015 and then Lola was born in January 2016! We live in Maidstone, Kent and hopefully moving soon as we desperately need a bigger place for all Lola’s toys! Babs and I met whilst we were working together a few years ago, I left the company and then he left, I went back and then he went back! That’s when we got together!  I fell pregnant only 6 months after we got together and it was 1000% the right thing regardless of what anybody said about us not being together long enough! Lola is our entire world!

Name one random fact about yourself.

I have a degree in Music and Education Studies! I’ve always wanted to be a music therapist! One day that dream may come true but I don’t think it will be any time soon!

Who is your biggest inspiration? 

Giovanna Fletcher! She is fantastic, she is so down to earth and speaks about everything that would not normally be spoken about. I love that she speaks out about post baby bodies, breastfeeding and baby led weaning! Her new book is released soon and I really can’t wait!

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? 

I decided to start my blog as something to look back on as Lola is growing up. She has grown so quickly and I already find myself thinking I must go back and look at what she was doing each month! Each month I include a monthly update on Lola and everything else is around Parenting and Lifestyle. I post a lot about breastfeeding, baby led weaning and challenges with a baby!

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I’m a stay at home mummy to Lola. It worked out so much more cost in childcare than me going back to work. I would love to be able to spend more time blogging but I don’t get a chance as I’m too busy chasing Lola everywhere! The fortunate thing is that as I’m not working it means that Lola and I have managed to go to quite a few events that we would not have necessarily been able to attend if I was working.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Enjoy what you write! I stupidly took on a few too many reviews a while ago so I felt like all I was writing was reviews which seemed to loose the point of my blog. I now try to make sure if I’m taking on a few reviews at once that I set myself different deadlines so I can have a mixture of posts on my blog!

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’? 

I don’t know what free time is anymore! If I could have a couple of hours free I would just curl up on the sofa, eating rubbish and watching crappy TV!

What are your favourite family activities? 

Swimming! Lola absolutely loves swimming! It’s lovely seeing her so happy when in the water she really is truly a water baby! Lola also loves our days out as we have been to so many different places using our English Heritage membership.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

I love Knole Park but surprisingly I’ve only been once with Lola since she was born! I love that you can walk through the grounds of Knole Park and have the deer running round you! We have been to Cobtree Country Park a few times and also Mote Park as they are both great places for going for long walks and have fantastic cafes for once you are exhausted! Especially in this weather to warm up as well!!

Best family day out? 

We love going to Zoo’s! Lola first visited the zoo when she was 6 weeks old as we have annual passes and we make sure to visit every few months. Our annual pass is for Howletts Zoo in Kent and I really don’t know what we will do when it expires in February! Since Lola was born we have also been to London Zoo, Paradise Wildlife Park and Smarden Wildlife Heritage Foundation.

Thank you for taking part Naomi, lovely to ‘meet’ you!

You can find Naomi here:

Website: notaperfectparent.com

Instagram: notaperfectparent

Twitter: naomiemma

Facebook: notaperfectparent

11 thoughts on “A Quick Cuppa With… Not A Perfect Parent”

  1. I love learning more about people who are bloggers, it makes me feel like I am friends with them! I like going swimming too, we are about to put the little dude in a swimming class, so I’m super excited!

  2. You never know if you’ll become a music therapist. Sometimes those little surprises come in the most supernatural ways. Loved learning more about you. Thank you so much. -Jocelyne from resonatecreations.com

  3. I enjoyed learning more about Naomi! And I so agree with loving what you write! It’s definitely easy to try to write too much for money/product or to write what you think people want to read. Really we should write about what we want to write about and the right audience will come!

  4. I agree, I have no idea what ‘free time’ is since little N was born, but I love your idea of writing a monthly update to keep a record of how she’s changed, it all goes by too quickly to remember it all!

  5. Aww i love reading about other bloggers and one of my favourites is Giovanna too – she really is such an inspiration isnt she. Have fun with Lola and enjoy every minute – it passes way too quickly!


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