A Quick Cuppa With… Notaneffingfairytale

If, like me, you could do with some lighthearted relief about now then you are in for a treat! Today my hilarious guest poster is stand up comic, actor and comedy writer Cookie Kibbles. Enjoy! Hi! Please start by introducing yourself… My name is Cookie Kibbles and I am the writer of Notaneffingfairytale. I am a stand up comic, actor and comedy writer by trade (i.e I am skint), and I have two children – a toddler and a teenager which I can tell you, isn’t funny AT ALL.  Name one random fact about yourself. I once kissed Liam Gallagher and it was crap. *(Living Life Our Way disclaimer: this is the guest poster’s opinion only, and the fact can not be verified 😉 LOL)* (Excuse me a minute while I stop laughing!) Who is your biggest inspiration?  Dawn French. She is a brilliant, brilliant comic writer and actress and a lovely person too. If I could have anyone’s career, it would be hers. Right from the early days of her career everything she has done has been amazing. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?  My blog is an odd one, it’s a collection …

If, like me, you could do with some lighthearted relief about now then you are in for a treat! Today my hilarious guest poster is stand up comic, actor and comedy writer Cookie Kibbles. Enjoy!

A Quick Cuppa With, notaneffingfairytale, Cookie Kibbles, interview, Q and A, guest post, Living Life Our Way

Hi! Please start by introducing yourself…

My name is Cookie Kibbles and I am the writer of NotaneffingfairytaleI am a stand up comic, actor and comedy writer by trade (i.e I am skint), and I have two children – a toddler and a teenager which I can tell you, isn’t funny AT ALL. 

Name one random fact about yourself.

I once kissed Liam Gallagher and it was crap.

*(Living Life Our Way disclaimer: this is the guest poster’s opinion only, and the fact can not be verified 😉 LOL)*

(Excuse me a minute while I stop laughing!) Who is your biggest inspiration? 

Dawn French. She is a brilliant, brilliant comic writer and actress and a lovely person too. If I could have anyone’s career, it would be hers. Right from the early days of her career everything she has done has been amazing.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? 

My blog is an odd one, it’s a collection of articles that I have written, some of which have been published and some for my own amusement. It is a mixed bag of comedy, parenting, relationships and anything else that interests me. It started life as a parenting blog, but it’s now mainly about anything that I want it to be – relationships, life etc… And swearing. I like swearing. I either write with a comic slant or very seriously and I probably over share way too much.

I also do a series of stories about ‘Mummy Princess’; a fat, functioning alcoholic Princess who is married to an idiot. It’s mainly based on my life and it’s where the whole Notaneffingfairytale idea came from.

Most of the comedy based blogs start out as notes for stand up sets and are then expanded into articles.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I am totally the wrong person to give advice on this one, seeing as my life revolves around watching Jeremy Kyle and the Kardashians. 

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Don’t worry about what you are writing, write the things that you like. 

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’? 

I drink. At home, at the pub, I am not picky. For me it’s important to have my own life away from my husband and children, so I see friends in the evenings quite often.

What are your favourite family activities? 

Oh God, after 14 years of this parenting lark, I would have to say not many. Sad, but true. When my son was small I did all the zoo’s, soft play centers and days out and most of the time, it was a real slog and none of us enjoyed it. It was a never ending chore of tantrums when we’d have all been better off staying at home.

This time around, I have a toddler who is a real homebody. She loves animals though, so I do take her to the local urban farm from time to time. But this time, I don’t feel the pressure to be out and doing family activities.

Christ, I sound like a miserable old git!

Where is your favourite place to visit?

Pub, pub lunch, more pub, chippy on way home.

(Seriously though – Hounslow Urban Farm in west London is pretty near us and a nice place to visit).

If you fancy a laugh and want to read more from Cookie then head on over to her at the following places:

Blog: www.notaneffingfairytaleblog.com


Instagram: instagram.com/cookiekibbles

Twitter: @cookiekibbles

13 thoughts on “A Quick Cuppa With… Notaneffingfairytale”

  1. Well i want to say something about to life that, life is a happiness or sad moment that comes according to your work and activities and depends on your mood that how much you love that thing or not.

  2. This made me laugh so hard
    “I drink. At home, at the pub, I am not picky. For me it’s important to have my own life away from my husband and children, so I see friends in the evenings quite often.”
    I’ve only just now started going out and having a life outside of my family. I love it, it makes me feel like I am actually myself again.
    Your blogging advice is great to, I do write what I love and I will continue doing so!

  3. hahahaha Oh god she sounds hilarious! Definitely checking her blog out 🙂 And I get what she means about the baby groups, soft play etc becoming a slog. Ive recently decided that if we don’t enjoy it, we won’t do it haha! xx


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