A Quick Cuppa With… Paige Wallbank

​When asked who is her biggest inspiration, Paige Wallbank answers her future self. I cannot even describe how much I love this answer! Read on to find out more about this brilliant inspirational woman… Hi, I’m a 26 year old mum to two gorgeous boys, I’m currently doing a photography course and do bits and bobs for family and friends. I have a fiance I have been with for almost 7 years and I feel very lucky to have these three people in my life, it wouldn’t be the same without them. I love coffee, lush bubble baths and rubbish reality tv!  Name one random fact about yourself. I have freckles in my right eye. Who is your biggest inspiration?  Is it bad to say my future self? I want to be my inspiration and someone else’s one day, I have gone through so many bad times as a child. I’m building myself to be a better stronger person and would love to be that in the future. Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?  It doesn’t have a theme at all, I write about anything and everything, my journey as …

​When asked who is her biggest inspiration, Paige Wallbank answers her future self. I cannot even describe how much I love this answer! Read on to find out more about this brilliant inspirational woman…

A Quick Cuppa With, Paige Wallbank, blogger, guest post, interview, Q and A, Living Life Our Way

Hi, I’m a 26 year old mum to two gorgeous boys, I’m currently doing a photography course and do bits and bobs for family and friends.

I have a fiance I have been with for almost 7 years and I feel very lucky to have these three people in my life, it wouldn’t be the same without them. I love coffee, lush bubble baths and rubbish reality tv! 

Name one random fact about yourself.

I have freckles in my right eye.

Who is your biggest inspiration? 

Is it bad to say my future self? I want to be my inspiration and someone else’s one day, I have gone through so many bad times as a child. I’m building myself to be a better stronger person and would love to be that in the future.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it? 

It doesn’t have a theme at all, I write about anything and everything, my journey as a parent, lifestyle posts, beauty and fashion with film and book reviews, maybe the occasional rubbish baked cake, who knows. It’s basically an online diary with things I like thrown in.

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

I blog 3/4 times a week if I can, I struggle finding time with my children with two under 4 , I basically just turn my computer on when they go to bed.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Be yourself, don’t compare and just do you.

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’? 

Reading, bubble baths, walks up the forest, spa days if I’m lucky.

What are your favourite family activities? 

We love long walks up the forest, spontaneous trips away near the beach, going to the park, making things, family board games.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

The forest, I feel like I’m in another world once I’m up there.

Best family day out? 

We loved going to Trentham Gardens, so much to do outdoors.

Thank you so much for doing this, I loved your answers! 

To read more about Paige, find her at the following places…

Blog: www.paigespreferences.com

Twitter: @Paigewallbank

Instagram: wallypaigex

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