A Quick Cuppa With… Ready For A Cuppa! 

Not many people can truthfully claim they used to be a big fat yellow cow! Meet Nina from Ready For A Cuppa, and find out more… ​Tell me about yourself… Hi, I’m Nina. I blog and vlog over at Ready For A Cuppa. I am a 30 something year old mum of 5-year-old boy girl twins, Step mum to a teen and wife to a geek. We live in Nottinghamshire! But we love our paradise Isle of Lanzarote and hope that one day we can move out there! I Started my YouTube channel in December 2015 as a bet with my stepson who wants to be a YouTuber. The bet was to see who could get the most subscribers. I now have over 200 and he has 5. Name one random fact about yourself. I used to be a big fat yellow cow – I worked as part of the entertainments crew at Fantasy Island in Skegness. One of the costume characters we had was Moo Moo from Old Mcdonalds farm (It used to be a kid’s program back in the 90s). Who is your biggest inspiration? I Love Kirstie Allsopp, I attended a Q&A with her back in summer …

Not many people can truthfully claim they used to be a big fat yellow cow! Meet Nina from Ready For A Cuppa, and find out more…

A Quick Cuppa With, Ready For A Cuppa, blogger, Q and A, interview, guest post, Living Life Our Way

​Tell me about yourself…

Hi, I’m Nina. I blog and vlog over at Ready For A Cuppa. I am a 30 something year old mum of 5-year-old boy girl twins, Step mum to a teen and wife to a geek.

We live in Nottinghamshire! But we love our paradise Isle of Lanzarote and hope that one day we can move out there!

I Started my YouTube channel in December 2015 as a bet with my stepson who wants to be a YouTuber. The bet was to see who could get the most subscribers. I now have over 200 and he has 5.

Name one random fact about yourself.

I used to be a big fat yellow cow – I worked as part of the entertainments crew at Fantasy Island in Skegness. One of the costume characters we had was Moo Moo from Old Mcdonalds farm (It used to be a kid’s program back in the 90s).

Who is your biggest inspiration?

I Love Kirstie Allsopp, I attended a Q&A with her back in summer 2016. My question was “My friends and I often say that we would love to be more like yourself instead we are a little more Miranda. Who is your inspiration?” Her answer was anyone who can juggle a full time career and family like Davina; however the queen is her top inspiration! (You can find this over at my YouTube Channel).

Blogging and Vlogging wise I think my inspirations are Jules Furness for her simple life goals, and Brummy mummy of 2 for her wit.

Tell me about your blog. What is the main theme? What inspired you to start it?

So my blog is all about me, my family and our adventures. I am currently planning content about changes I want to make in 2017. My theme for this year is de-clutter, organize, minimize. I’m going to be blogging about turning my house into a home by getting rid of the clutter and adopting routines to help us be less stressed.

I also blog about my anxiety which is a something I think Ive had most of my life! I started blogging this time around to go hand in hand with my you tube channel. So if I didn’t feel like picking up the camera I could still let you know what’s going on in our lives!

Do you blog full time or do you work as well? How do you juggle your time? Any tips?

Tips? If anyone wants to give me some that would be great! Although I work on my blog and social media full time, it’s not an income for us at the moment! I would love to make that happen this year. I need to start planning out my Blogging day better too.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to fellow bloggers?

Just do it! If you have something to say type it. Its your bit of the internet! Blogging is very cathartic when you write from the heart! Just do it!

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

I volunteer at the local theatre in my spare time. I love it! I love the buzz you get on a show night! I work back stage and there is always something to make you laugh!

What are your favorite family activities?

It’s cheesy but as long as we are together it doesn’t really matter! Hubby spends a lot of the year working away so when we are all together it’s nice whatever we do!

Where is your favorite outdoor place to visit?

There is a lovely place near us called Sherwood pines. It’s great. There are cycle tracks and trails to follow on foot. Dotted around the woodland are little play areas and sometimes they have a special book themed children’s trail like super worm or The Gruffalo.

You can park all day some even take a BBQ and sit by their cars having lunch. If you don’t want to take a BBQ or picnic there is also a café.

There is also a go ape which my two aren’t quite big enough for just yet!

Best family day out?

At the moment it has to be The Tropical Butterfly house near Sheffield. Me and the Kids love animals and there is lots more than just Butterflies to see. There are meerkats, lemurs that you are able to get up close to. And more! There is the all important Play area and café!

Thank you for taking part!

You can find more from Nina here…

Blog: readyforacuppa.com

Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCxjb7cCVf1O9A_Zg_8JfD8A

Instagram: www.instagram.com/readyforacuppa/

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