A Quick Cuppa With… The Opinionated Dad

Hi all, how are you? How has your week been? What are your plans for this weekend? Well, as it’s Friday and time to wind down, grab yourself a brew (I know, I know, most of my readers are assuming at this time on a Friday evening that must be a typo for wine or pint, or possibly even cocktail… 😉 lol) Anyway, get whatever takes your fancy and ‘meet’ The Opinionated Dad… Tell me about yourself… I am a 29 almost 30 year old dad and husband. I am quite a shy person if I am face to face. I think that’s why I enjoy blogging as I don’t have the face to face interaction. I think I am a good dad and husband. I do try my hardest. I am domesticated, knowing how to use the washing machine and dishwasher in our house is essential. At the moment I am a full time stay at home dad and carer to my wonderful wife. Tell me about your blog. What inspired you to start it? Are you really as opinionated as the name suggests?! I started my blog as a way of helping with communication issues I have. I’m not …

Hi all, how are you? How has your week been? What are your plans for this weekend? Well, as it’s Friday and time to wind down, grab yourself a brew (I know, I know, most of my readers are assuming at this time on a Friday evening that must be a typo for wine or pint, or possibly even cocktail… 😉 lol) Anyway, get whatever takes your fancy and ‘meet’ The Opinionated Dad

A Quick Cuppa With, The Opinionated Dad, blogger, interview, Living Life Our Way, guest series, Q and A

Tell me about yourself…

I am a 29 almost 30 year old dad and husband. I am quite a shy person if I am face to face. I think that’s why I enjoy blogging as I don’t have the face to face interaction. I think I am a good dad and husband. I do try my hardest. I am domesticated, knowing how to use the washing machine and dishwasher in our house is essential. At the moment I am a full time stay at home dad and carer to my wonderful wife.

Tell me about your blog. What inspired you to start it? Are you really as opinionated as the name suggests?!

I started my blog as a way of helping with communication issues I have. I’m not a big talker but I can talk better from behind a keyboard. I am opinionated but it’s mainly just in my head. I don’t think the world is ready for it to come out yet. I just thought that I would use the term opinionated as I have a lot of opinions on everything. One inspiration was reading what the Unmumsy Mum writes, I know I’m nothing like her but thought I would share some of my mind with the world.

Name one random fact about yourself.

A random fact….the only thing that comes to mind is I secretly enjoy watching Disney films like ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’.

Who is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration I would have to say is my wife and daughter. They are my life, my world and without them i would have nothing. I try to see a post in things we do everyday either together or by just observing them. I like to write what’s on my mind and the unmumsy mum has helped me do that by not caring that others might judge what she writes.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I had been given must be to get as much sleep as possible before our baby came. However I didn’t listen and the first few months were horrific with lack of sleep. My wife and I even stayed up in shifts to try and combat the fatigue. I must be a glutton for punishment as I am going to be doing it all over again.

Any tips for other dads? Or bloggers? Or dad bloggers?!

My biggest tip is just be yourself. Don’t overthink and let your instincts take over. That can be applied to blogging as well. When you start writing just let it flow and get the article wrote out. You can always go back and edit it if you need to.

Where is your absolute favourite place in the whole world?

I wouldn’t say I have a favourite place really as long as I am with my family I am happy. If I had to pick a location though I would have to say in bed. I love sleeping and I tend to stay up too late and end up getting on average 4-6hrs sleep a night and sometimes I just want to sleep in.

How do you relax/ spend your ‘free time’?

In my free time I like to just chill out on the sofa with a strong coffee in my hand, a good TV show on and cuddles with my wife. That is when I’m not blogging mind.

What are your favourite family activities?

My favourite family activity has to be going to soft play. Not for my daughter, just so I can jump around and act a fool in there. I am almost 30 and the bigest kid at heart.

Where is your favourite outdoor place to visit?

My favourite outdoor place would be the park just round the corner. Sophia loves the park and always asks to go. She enjoys the slide and swings. I have a go on them everytime we go too.

Find more about his adventures here…

Blog: www.theopinionateddad.co.uk

Facebook: The Opinionated Dad

Twitter: @opinionateddad

Instagram: theopinionateddad

2 thoughts on “A Quick Cuppa With… The Opinionated Dad”

  1. First of all, I love the title of your blog series: “A Quick Cuppa With…” — that is cool, catchy and definitely grabbed my attention!
    Secondly, I really like The Opinionated Dad’s approach to blogging with the whole just go with the flow, don’t overthink things way of thinking. That’s exactly the approach I take to my own writing and it works – it comes across human!! 🙂


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