A – Z of 30 Days Wild: A is for… Ants!

As I explained yesterday, I am not going to be blogging about 30 Days Wild as heavily this year due to other commitments. But what I do intend to do is share an A – Z of my highlights from previous years, with a few snippets of our activities this year, and some guest posts too! So today I thought I would kick off with my A – Z of 30 Days Wild Highlights. A is for…. ANTS! One of my favourite highlights was in the first year of taking part (2016) when Squiggle discovered a large groups of yellow meadow ants in our garden. I took a quick video clip, then we observed them for a while – they were fascinating! At the time I thought it was just grass seeds they were crawling over, as we had just put some down the day before. It was only when I shared the video to the 30 Days Wild Facebook group that a wildlife expert (Sean Foote) told me that actually they were pupae, which I was really excited about! I had no idea! The video clip is poor quality unfortunately, but still very cool! Here it is… https://youtu.be/TTH9i94xp90 Coming …

As I explained yesterday, I am not going to be blogging about 30 Days Wild as heavily this year due to other commitments. But what I do intend to do is share an A – Z of my highlights from previous years, with a few snippets of our activities this year, and some guest posts too! So today I thought I would kick off with my A – Z of 30 Days Wild Highlights.

A - Z of 30 Days Wild text Forest of Dean image

A is for…. ANTS!

One of my favourite highlights was in the first year of taking part (2016) when Squiggle discovered a large groups of yellow meadow ants in our garden. I took a quick video clip, then we observed them for a while – they were fascinating!

At the time I thought it was just grass seeds they were crawling over, as we had just put some down the day before. It was only when I shared the video to the 30 Days Wild Facebook group that a wildlife expert (Sean Foote) told me that actually they were pupae, which I was really excited about! I had no idea!

The video clip is poor quality unfortunately, but still very cool! Here it is…


Coming Up…

Tomorrow will be the first of my 30 Days Wild themed guest posts. So look out for that! And remember if you would like to take part, email me at livinglifeourway@outlook.com or fill in my google form.

What Random Act of Wildness did you do today? Tell me in comments!

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