Despite only having one child, and being minimalist myself personally, I find we do still seem to have our fair share of stuff! I think that is down to a combination of reasons; we are home educators, so perhaps by nature we do need more things at home for that purpose. Plus we also spend more time at home than many people because of Squiggle’s needs. But whatever the reason is, a messy house is no use to anyone!
I hate wasting time looking for missing things, life is much easier when our home environment is tidy and well organised. Fewer distractions and less stress!
This post focuses on bedroom organisation, but some of the advice could be applied to other rooms too.

Bedrooms are especially essential to be tidy and organised. I feel that it is much easier to get restful, good quality sleep in a calm, cosy environment; it helps my brain feel relaxed and able to switch off. Too much clutter visible in the bedroom is not conducive to good sleep!
That’s why I am pleased to be taking part in Bed Guru’s campaign by sharing my tips on how to organise your bedroom storage. Online bed retailers Bed Guru are sleep experts; they understand that everyone has different sleep requirements and feel it is their obligation to ensure that everybody gets a goodnight sleep!
Top Tips To Declutter
Ok, so first things first. If you want a neat and tidy bedroom then you need to get rid of the clutter! It is far easier to get organised – and stay that way – if you don’t have too much stuff to stay on top of in the first place. Here are my suggestions for effective decluttering and better bedroom organisation:
• Sort everything into piles (e.g. tops, shoes, bedding and so on…)
• One pile at a time, go through each item in the pile. Consider if it is important and still useful to you. Only keep the things that you really need and/ or truly matter to you.
• For the items you do not plan to keep, organise them into piles of recycling/ upcycling, charity/ pass on to someone else and things to sell (if you so wish – otherwise these would also go in the charity pile).
• For items to keep, the next step will be to consider how and where to store it! (See below).
Bedroom Organisation and Storage Tips
- Only store things in the bedroom that belong in there; it is meant to be a peaceful sanctuary for restful sleep, not a storage room!
- Shelves are useful for keeping smaller items that you would like to have out on display. Shelves above the bed, or corner shelving, maximises use of space most effectively.
- If worse comes to worst, you can rent storage. This way, you can store all of your items in a remote storage unit, while you enjoy a spacious home. London residents, for instance, benefit a lot from renting storage. As the size of homes decrease due to overpopulation, many are left renting self storage in slough, Kings Cross, Romford, and Southwark.
- Wardrobes with sliding doors are great space savers and perfect for top bedroom organisation. You can use boxes within the wardrobe to make best use of all the rooms available. Alternatively, choose a wardrobe with extra rails, drawers and/ or shelves built in. Or do both!
- Find bedroom furniture that can be used for multi-purposes. For example, drawers or wardrobes that also serve as a bedside table.
- Use drawer dividers to organise smaller items effectively.
- Divan bed bases are a great way to store stuff in the bedroom out of sight without taking up any extra space for storage. Ottoman divan bed bases are especially great fro bedroom organisation because they have a lift up opening base, with the help of gas pistons. This type of divan can store heavier items than the typical sliding drawer version because the bed base is supported by the floor. Some styles of Ottoman even open from the side so can fit snugly into tighter gaps; perfect for smaller bedrooms.
Share your own tips on how best to organise bedroom storage in comments!
*Disclosure: This post is written in collaboration with Bed Guru.