#Blogtober 2016 – Day 14: Meaning Behind My Blog Name

I came up with my blog name because I felt it described our lifestyle and what my blog is about quite well. It really is exactly what we are doing on a daily basis; living life our way!  I will be interested to read the inspiration behind other people’s blog names too!

I came up with my blog name because I felt it described our lifestyle and what my blog is about quite well. It really is exactly what we are doing on a daily basis; living life our way! 

I will be interested to read the inspiration behind other people’s blog names too!


1 thought on “#Blogtober 2016 – Day 14: Meaning Behind My Blog Name”

  1. A lovely blog name and great that you’re doing what you choose by living the life you want! 🙂 I think blogging is a great way to celebrate that! #Blogtober16


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