I was born on 7th September, which makes me a Virgo. This is as far as I can get without doing any research, because it has been a long time since I read anything on this subject! So off to do a quick google search…

Right, I am back! According to Wikipedia, this is me…
“Astrologers ascribe certain personality traits to a person born under the Virgo: people born under this sign are typically analytical, kind, hardworking and practical. According to astrologers, Virgos tend to worry often; they are shy and dislike being the center of attention. They are also known for being modest, faithful, quiet, and very persuasive, as well as a good sense of reasoning and memory. Virgos are also known for their intellect and usually enjoy art, literature, science, mathematics, and are skilled at completing detailed work.“
In addition I also read that Virgos like to be clean and orderly, but are also flexible, helpful and stable. Virgo is also an earth sign; key characteristics being grounded and ‘real’, realistic and practical, stable and likes stability (not keen on change), dependable, materialistic and sometimes superficial.
So, does this fit with my personality? Hmmm. No, not really. There are a couple of traits that I would say are accurate, some fairly indifferent and some that are most definitely not me. But I will leave you to guess which trait is which! lol 😉
I would say I actually identify more with the traits listed for water signs; sensitive, emotional, intuitive etc… And incidently, I have never looked up my daughter’s zodiac sign, and, after reading all of the descriptions, I never would have guessed which she was without checking the dates to find out!
I do feel that if you list enough vaguely descriptive words that people will choose to pick out the ones that fit, if they so wish. Or find those which don’t, as the case might be! I think in reality some traits will match any given person and some won’t, I don’t people fit neatly into any boxes. We are all unique individuals. And on the one hand, we are who we are… but on the otherhand, we can also change dramatically and evolve as we grow through life too.