#Blogtober 2016 – Day One: Who Are You?

​Hi everyone!  I’m taking part in #Blogtober16 (at the 11th hour I might add!) so today is all about ME!!! For those who don’t know, blogtober 2016 is 31 days of posts with a different set theme each day, hosted by www.hexmumblog.com  I am also doing the Project Green Challenge too this month so October is a busy month for me, and I am really just hoping to at least sort of keep up with both… eek! #PGC2016 is an inspiring (and life- changing) intiative set up by Turning Green. Each challenge starts at 6am PT (2pm here in UK) so I am hoping the time difference will work in my favour. (Of course I could also schedule some of my Blogtober posts, but I am not that organised!)  So anyway, about me…  My about us page probably sums me up quite well, so I will begin by cheating abit and sending you off to look there…  frankenlife.com/about-us Ok, so aside from that, here are 3 random facts about me… 1. As soon as I finished my A Levels, I moved to Tenerife to work as a club PR for a season. It was hard work 7 nights per week and I barely …

​Hi everyone! 

I’m taking part in #Blogtober16 (at the 11th hour I might add!) so today is all about ME!!! For those who don’t know, blogtober 2016 is 31 days of posts with a different set theme each day, hosted by www.hexmumblog.com 


I am also doing the Project Green Challenge too this month so October is a busy month for me, and I am really just hoping to at least sort of keep up with both… eek! #PGC2016 is an inspiring (and life- changing) intiative set up by Turning Green. Each challenge starts at 6am PT (2pm here in UK) so I am hoping the time difference will work in my favour. (Of course I could also schedule some of my Blogtober posts, but I am not that organised!) 

So anyway, about me… 

My about us page probably sums me up quite well, so I will begin by cheating abit and sending you off to look there… 


Ok, so aside from that, here are 3 random facts about me…

1. As soon as I finished my A Levels, I moved to Tenerife to work as a club PR for a season. It was hard work 7 nights per week and I barely made enough for basic food rations but had the time of my life! I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe that was almost 20 years ago now.

Playa de las Americas Tenerife PR team
Tenerife days

2. I have a scar across my forehead from an accident aged 4 years old, when I tripped over my own feet, smashing my head open on our coffee table. I also fractured my arm by falling off the top of a toddler slide when I was 10 and landing badly. These are possibly two of the most cringy-worthy ways of sustaining an injury; when people ask about my scar I would at least like a cool Harry Potter style story to tell lol! 

3. I LOVE music, absolutely love it. But sadly don’t actually have a musical note in my entire body; I can’t play an instrument and am totally tone deaf. This somewhat shattered my childhood dream of being in a band!

What else do you want to know? If you have a specific question then please post in comments and I will answer you. 

I  would also love for you to share a random fact about yourself too, leave in comments or tweet me @followourpath

I look forward to reading!

2 thoughts on “#Blogtober 2016 – Day One: Who Are You?”

  1. Welcome to #blogtober16 I am very pleased that you are joining us, particularly as you are also joining in with another! Maybe that’s where I went wrong when I did the whole work at a holiday place, I stayed in England, probably would have been more fun abroad! I look forward to hearing more about you and squiggle x


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