#Blogtober 2016 – Day 2: An Old Photo of Me

Hmmm, I don’t actually have many old photos of me. Certainly not pre-digital ones, so prior to my mid twenties. I don’t have any from my childhood here at all and only a couple from my teenage years that I found and scanned in. I’m pretty sure my dad probably has a million printed pictures of my younger years but I have never got round to getting any from him! So I have found one from exactly 20 years ago from the small collection I do have… And here is one from exactly a decade ago… So that’s me, from the past anyway!  Look forward to seeing your photos too.

Hmmm, I don’t actually have many old photos of me. Certainly not pre-digital ones, so prior to my mid twenties. I don’t have any from my childhood here at all and only a couple from my teenage years that I found and scanned in. I’m pretty sure my dad probably has a million printed pictures of my younger years but I have never got round to getting any from him!

So I have found one from exactly 20 years ago from the small collection I do have…

Old photos of me, family photos, teenage photos, blogtober
My mum, brother and myself (Taken in 1996 – aged 17)

And here is one from exactly a decade ago…

Selfie, photo of me, old photo, blogtober, decade ago
Me 10 years ago (aged 27)

So that’s me, from the past anyway! 

Look forward to seeing your photos too.


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