In today’s world, it is too easy to become body conscious and overly focused on weight, or other aspects of our bodies. Yet maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including keeping our bodies healthy, is important to wellbeing. And a desire to improve and be the best version of ourselves is ok too; in fact I would say it is a good thing! So how can we strike that balance of striving to make changes, which may or may not include weight loss, yet remain body positive at the same time? And how do we empower those around us, such as our children, to love their body too? Here are some tips to becoming more body positive…
Attitude Makes All The Difference
First of all, as with anything, your outlook on the subject makes all the difference. So you need to shift your focus! For every negative thought, you need to think of at least five positive things about your body. It is about reframing how you think, and therefore feel, about yourself. Look in the mirror and really pay attention to all the good things about your body. If those critical thoughts creep in, accept them and move on. Switch back to what aspects of your appearance you do like. If you can’t find anything, you aren’t looking hard enough!
To empower yourself and those around you, especially if you have children around listening to you, stop telling yourself, or anyone else, that you need to lose weight, are too fat, don’t look good in those clothes, hate this part of your body, or that part… the list goes on… you get the idea. It is ok to want to improve ourselves but the attitude and approach we have to that makes a difference. The messages we tell ourselves, and each other, on a daily basis matters!
Look After Your Physical Health
If you look after your physical health, it will help you to feel good. When you take time out to think about your body, and look after it, it will foster a more positive attitude toward it. Whether it is going for your smear test, getting an annual check-up, or even going for an ear cleaning at somewhere such as Auris Ear Care, all of these will encourage you to love your body more. Something as simple as staying hydrated and putting good quality water into your body can help a lot as well.
Embrace Your Flaws
The way we think about our flaws and are least favourite parts is important too. Remember nobody is perfect. As they say, even those stunning supermodels don’t actually look like that in real life! We all have wobbly bits and that is ok, we don’t need to strive for perfection. Try to adopt realistic thoughts about your own body and accept your imperfections, embrace it for what it is.
Body Confidence: Be Comfortable
Wear clothes that help you to feel comfortable. Whether you prefer to dress up, be casual, stand out, or blend in; just be yourself and wear what feels good for you. Body confidence is not about dressing a certain way; it is about dressing the way you choose.
For those who menstruate, remember to love your body during your periods too! Again, wear whatever feels comfortable for you personally, such as Knixteen products for example, or reusable sanitary pads. Also make sure periods are not a taboo subject in your household! Too many previous generations were given the impression that it is something to be embarrassed of; teach your children that it is a normal part of life and entirely natural. Body positivity needs to apply to all stages of our menstrual cycles!
What About Self- Improvement Then?
It is not contradictory to want to lose weight, or improve our appearance in some way. We can be positive and accepting of our bodies exactly the way they are, yet still want to improve ourselves too. It just comes down to how we think about it. Approaching it from a place of loving your body and therefore wanting to be healthy and feel even better is very different to wanting to lose weight, for example, because we hate our body and feel ‘fat’. Again, attitude makes all the difference!
However, mental health is also important. It is all very well talking about attitude, but sometimes people do feel the need to make those changes in order to improve their mental health and get to a place where they are able to embrace that mindset and attitude. It is unfair for people in this position to feel judged or like a failure for not being able to do this. This is why cosmetic surgery does have its place and is a decision only the person considering it can truly make. There are plenty of good clinics to choose from and a range of cosmetic surgery treatments available.
What do YOU love about YOUR body? What are your top tips for becoming more body confident? Share some love in comments!
*Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.
Learning to love oneself can be a massive challenge – practice and focus – really does benefit
Beautiful post and such a great reminder! We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes!