Christmas Tag #2

Wow… Christmas is done for another year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas; whether it was fun-filled and chaotic, or quiet and peaceful – I hope it was whatever type you wished for! I have been tagged in the Christmas Tag post again, this time by The Pram Shed. I have copied my answers from last year, as there is no point in rewriting the same responses obviously. But let’s see if anything has changed! Here we go… What’s your favourite Christmas movie? Last year: Love Actually. I have already watched it several times this month! I used to love Santa Claus: The Movie when I was a child. The bit where the reindeer finally does the super duper looper to save the kid always made me cry bucket loads. Every. Single. Time. This year: Same answer but I have just watched The Holiday and I love that too! Have you ever had a white Christmas? Last year: Not that I can remember. Perhaps when I was a child, maybe? I’m not sure. This year: I had a quick google at old data and it would appear I might well have had a white Christmas in the early …

Wow… Christmas is done for another year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas; whether it was fun-filled and chaotic, or quiet and peaceful – I hope it was whatever type you wished for!

I have been tagged in the Christmas Tag post again, this time by The Pram Shed. I have copied my answers from last year, as there is no point in rewriting the same responses obviously. But let’s see if anything has changed! Here we go…

Christmas Tag #2 title on a Christmas themed background with candy canes and sweets.

What’s your favourite Christmas movie?

Last year: Love Actually. I have already watched it several times this month! I used to love Santa Claus: The Movie when I was a child. The bit where the reindeer finally does the super duper looper to save the kid always made me cry bucket loads. Every. Single. Time.

This year: Same answer but I have just watched The Holiday and I love that too!

Have you ever had a white Christmas?

Last year: Not that I can remember. Perhaps when I was a child, maybe? I’m not sure.

This year: I had a quick google at old data and it would appear I might well have had a white Christmas in the early 80s when I was a young child.

Where do you usually spend your holiday?

Last year: At home. I have never been away for Christmas. When I was a child we used to go round to visit my grandparents on Christmas day but they were local (well, same county anyway!) But that’s the furthest I have ever been for Christmas lol!

This year: Same answer. I am not sure how I feel about being away for Christmas – part of me suspects it wouldn’t feel quite right but part of me would love to! I don’t think it would suit Squiggle though to be honest.

What is your favourite Christmas song?

Last year: Merry Christmas Everybody – Slade

This year: Yup. That’s the one!

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

Last year: Of course not, how could we? Santa won’t have been yet! ?

This year: No, but we did buy some wish list items ahead of Christmas this time because Squiggle finds the anticipation challenging (to put it mildly!)

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?

Last year: In a word… no! Erm, Rudolph obviously. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen…  How many are there? Oops, I think I just failed the parent test. Oh dear….

This year: As above then there is also Donna, Comet and erm… argh!!!

Which holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year?

Last year: Making our gingerbread house together on Christmas eve.

This year: As above. But I miss my own childhood traditions to be honest. Visiting my grandparent’s on Christmas day afternoon – a home filled with all our family – happily surrounded by many cousins of different ages, all playing games and opening presents together. Memories filled with so much life, laughter and love. They were a stark contrast to the very quiet, low key Christmas we have now, to try to make it work better for Squiggle. Times change and we grow older, of course. But I do look back on those days with both fond memories and a wistful longing too.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

Last year: Fake. It’s child size, blue and decorated by an 8 year old. What could be better than that? (Do not answer that! ?)

This year: Same tree. This time decorated by a 9 year old!

What is your all time favourite holiday treat/food/sweet?

Last year: I can’t think of a specific answer to this really. But I loved the vegan meal we had last night for our Christmas do, it was delicious!

This year: I haven’t really had any. I do keep meaning to buy some vegan Baileys though, that used to be my Christmas tipple.

Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts better?

Last year: Giving. Honest answer.

This year: Still giving.

What is the best Christmas present you ever received?

Last year: Anything from my daughter!

This year: Not a Christmas present, but my daughter making me a cuddly toy version of herself definitely has to be the absolute cutest gift ever!

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?

Last year: New York would be high on my list, definitely.

This year: I would still love to visit New York. But I am also going to say Iceland.

Are you a pro present wrapper or do you fail miserably?

Last year: Terrible, I fail miserably. I hate it and I suck at it. Fact.

This year: Yeah, same answer!

Most memorable Christmas moment?

Last year: There are lots of memorable moments! My daughter spotting ‘Santa’s sleigh’ in the sky for the first time a few years back, that was magical!

This year: I think memories from my own childhood are up there too. But yes, as I said last year, lots of memories with Squiggle.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?

Last year: I have no idea what you’re talking about… ?

This year: 

What makes the holidays special for you?

Last year: Spending time with family.

This year: This is a weird one. Because actually I enjoy spending time with my family anytime and haven’t done so any more, or differently, over the holidays. So I am finding it hard to relate now to my own answer from a year ago. But that’s ok. I guess I was feeling differently then!

My answer this time is going to different places to see all the Christmassy-ness. (Nope probably not a word! But anyway!!!)

So there you have it! Whilst most answers are pretty much the same, I have tried to do my homework abit more this year lol! And I am feeling somewhat nostalgic over my own childhood Christmas memories too.

Now over to ISABLOG, Peacocks Can Fly, Tantrums To Smiles, All About A Mummy and Spinnin’ Plates to tell us your answers! I look forward to reading them…

Merry Christmas, everyone! xxx

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