Creating A Modern, Simple Bathroom

When redecorating the home we know how crucial it is to try and go for a modern, sleek look that will be timeless in the years to come. The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that you should only ever need to renovate once – as when you have done it well it will last for a lifetime.  Today we are going to take a look at the bathroom and some of the ways you can create a modern, simple bathroom in your home that will last for a lifetime.  Consider a tile border  When looking at your bathroom design it is easy to get blinded by the many colour schemes available. The best thing you can do for your bathroom is keep it simple and add a few accentuating touches at the end of your renovation. For example, instead of tiling the whole wall a fun colour, use small mosaic tiles to create a border above your bath as well as a tiled windowsill that has character and simple colour. There are many amazing mosaic tile styles and colours out there and a metallic effect could bring some much needed class and elegance to your design.  …

When redecorating the home we know how crucial it is to try and go for a modern, sleek look that will be timeless in the years to come. The bathroom is one of those rooms in the house that you should only ever need to renovate once – as when you have done it well it will last for a lifetime. 

Today we are going to take a look at the bathroom and some of the ways you can create a modern, simple bathroom in your home that will last for a lifetime. 

Consider a tile border

When looking at your bathroom design it is easy to get blinded by the many colour schemes available. The best thing you can do for your bathroom is keep it simple and add a few accentuating touches at the end of your renovation. For example, instead of tiling the whole wall a fun colour, use small mosaic tiles to create a border above your bath as well as a tiled windowsill that has character and simple colour. There are many amazing mosaic tile styles and colours out there and a metallic effect could bring some much needed class and elegance to your design. 

Get rid of clutter 

Now is the time to look at your bathroom and start to get rid of anything you don’t need. This included any metal items such as your shower or taps which can go to Norstar steel recycling, your old shampoo bottles or soaps that won’t get used, or any cleaning products that could be stored more smartly elsewhere in the house. Once you have gotten rid of the things you don’t need you’ll be able to start a fresh and build your bathroom design upon a clean and a tidy canvas. 

Use a tall boy

A tall boy can be the answer to your prayers in the bathroom and it will save you housing your shampoos and other items outside for the world to see. A tall boy is ideally suited for bathrooms as it is thin and tall meaning it can squeeze into any corner or space. Store your toilet rolls, cosmetic products, towels and other items in here and keep the rest of your bathroom looking clean and tidy all year long. 

Say goodbye to shower curtains 

One of the worst things you can have in your bathroom if you want it to look modern is a pair of mouldy shower curtains. No matter how hard you try, shower curtains will always end up looking musty and damp and these just don’t help the design of the room at all. Instead, change your shower curtains in favour of a shower screen which can go directly on top of the edge of your bath. This will look so much more modern and clean and will add a timeless element to your design that will last. 

Get a built in sink and toilet

If you have a fairly small bathroom to work with, every centimetre helps and one way to maximise your space is to have an integrated sink and toilet with built in storage under the sink. By having your sink and toilet built into the units you will not only save space but you will hide those ugly pipes and this will make all the difference to your design and look. 

Creating A Modern, Simple Bathroom

Try lino flooring 

For those of you who don’t want to spend hundreds on a tiled floor as well as tiled walls, lino could be your saving grace. Lino flooring is a great choice and it will be easy to buy as well as lag yourself without any help. You can get lino in a whole range of stunning shades such as marbles, tile, wood, and block colour to suit any design you have in mind. 

Enjoy a chrome radiator 

Most older bathrooms will have a huge white radiator taking up a huge chunk of space on the wall – and no one wants that in their home. Instead, why not take a look at getting yourself a chrome radiator which stands vertically on the wall – taking up less space but also giving you the ideal place to hang your towels after a shower. This is a great trick and it will make your bathroom much more spacious and modern. 

Try a few of these different ideas to add some modern luxury to your bathroom this year. With a mixture of clean lines and simple tones, these will be the ideal way to make your bathroom stand out this year. 

*This is a collaborative post

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