Four Easy Ways To Live An Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Are you looking to make changes to help the planet? There are plenty of people in the same situation as you, especially as the topic of climate change and global warming has become even more frequent. More than likely, you will have completed your own research to help you understand the condition of the planet and why it is so important to become more eco-conscious, even if it only means you make some slight lifestyle changes. Before you go full steam ahead and tie yourself to a tree in protest, you should take a look at these small steps which will help make a positive stamp on the planet. Invest in smart technology One of the biggest causes of environmental harm is energy waste, which can be due to anything from leaving your lights on too long, having the heating on full blast or forgetting to turn off your television. Many homeowners are taking an eco-friendly approach to their energy usage by purchasing smart technology, like smart thermostats, which can help you monitor, control and reduce your energy usage with interactive and remote apps. Property companies like RW Invest have also vested their money into smart lighting, which is controlled …

Four easy ways to live an eco-friendly lifestyle

Are you looking to make changes to help the planet? There are plenty of people in the same situation as you, especially as the topic of climate change and global warming has become even more frequent. More than likely, you will have completed your own research to help you understand the condition of the planet and why it is so important to become more eco-conscious, even if it only means you make some slight lifestyle changes.

Before you go full steam ahead and tie yourself to a tree in protest, you should take a look at these small steps which will help make a positive stamp on the planet.

Four easy ways to live an eco-friendly lifestyle

Invest in smart technology

One of the biggest causes of environmental harm is energy waste, which can be due to anything from leaving your lights on too long, having the heating on full blast or forgetting to turn off your television. Many homeowners are taking an eco-friendly approach to their energy usage by purchasing smart technology, like smart thermostats, which can help you monitor, control and reduce your energy usage with interactive and remote apps. Property companies like RW Invest have also vested their money into smart lighting, which is controlled by motion sensors, so lights only switch on when someone enters the room. This helps tenants make massive savings as well as helping them massively reduce their carbon footprint.

Recycle recycle recycle

You may be surprised to know that even in the year 2019 not everybody recycles. This has resulted in a lot of unnecessary waste over the years that is doing the planet no favours, whatsoever. If you already recycle – that’s great, however, there are different variations of recycling that you may not be aware of. Most people will recycle their plastics and paper, but will most likely forget about food composting, donating and even upcycling, which are great for the environment and your bank balance. To make the most of these benefits, you should take some time out of your day to separate your rubbish by simply using some old boxes or buckets to store your unwanted goods.

Change your eating habits

Did you know that eating one burger has the same environmental impact as using your car for 320 miles? This is because the meat industry is actually one of the biggest pollution causes in the world. Therefore, you should consider trying to cut it out of your diet. You could start by simply dedicating one day to veganism, which will be a lot easier than it sounds. If you don’t fancy cooking anything yourself you could always visit one of the many restaurants who host Vegan Mondays, where you can choose from some delicious meals that will give you inspiration for the following week. You never know you may even like it so much you will become a full-time vegan.

Leave the car at home

If you drive to work every day, you are a contributor to air pollution. To avoid this, you should consider alternative transport options such as taking the train, bus or even cycling to work. All of these options will allow you to reduce emissions in the air, while the latter will do the same, as well as providing you with the required 30 minutes of exercise per day, so it benefits both you and the planet.

*This is a collaborative post.

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