Highlights of 30 Days Wild

So, it’s now July and therefore 30 Days Wild is officially over. It has been loads of fun! There have been so many wonderful adventures and activities that I could not possibly name them all, but here are some of the highlights: My Top 3 Random Acts of Wildness: Visit to Gobions Wood, Hertfordshire Rock hunting Seeing a hedgehog for the first time ever Other Peoples’ Highlights: Wildlife cocktails, mud masks, building wildlife hotels, nature picnics – can’t pick one! ~ Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Litter picking jumps out. Spending time with someone I love in nature + art inspiration = idyllic. In fact, community would be joint first favourite thing. Really hoping lots of people #staywild. Going to miss everyone! ~ Grow Eat Gift  Loved doing 30 Days Wild for the first time this year. It has helped my daughter greatly; she has Autism and we have been out and about together with her camera. She is very happy to have been chosen as the first person to take part in a new project by wildlife.net She is thrilled to have a slide show on YouTube featuring her wildlife photos and they have given her her own page on their site. I am …

So, it’s now July and therefore 30 Days Wild is officially over. It has been loads of fun! There have been so many wonderful adventures and activities that I could not possibly name them all, but here are some of the highlights:

My Top 3 Random Acts of Wildness:

Visit to Gobions Wood, Hertfordshire

Rock hunting

Seeing a hedgehog for the first time ever

Other Peoples’ Highlights:

Wildlife cocktails, mud masks, building wildlife hotels, nature picnics – can’t pick one! Derbyshire Wildlife Trust

Litter picking jumps out. Spending time with someone I love in nature + art inspiration = idyllic. In fact, community would be joint first favourite thing. Really hoping lots of people #staywild. Going to miss everyone! ~ Grow Eat Gift 

love nature, grow eat gift, get outside, outdoors, 30 days wild, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

Loved doing 30 Days Wild for the first time this year. It has helped my daughter greatly; she has Autism and we have been out and about together with her camera. She is very happy to have been chosen as the first person to take part in a new project by wildlife.net She is thrilled to have a slide show on YouTube featuring her wildlife photos and they have given her her own page on their site. I am very proud of her and thanks to 30 Days Wild for helping her and giving her lots more confidence. She has even sold one of her owl paintings- awesome. ~ mum of Emilived 

The kiddies really enjoyed making ice bird feeders.
The World is Their Classroom

This is my favourite, my son catching newts. Happy Handley 

Being chased by a crazy chicken on Day 25 was the funniest moment but having a reason to get the family outside and spend time together has been the best part. croftie goes wild

What were your highlights? Tell me in comments! 

Don’t forget that just because 30 Days Wild is over now, it doesn’t mean your ‘wild’ adventures have to end! Carry on your wildness and share using hashtag #StayWild 

For my first #StayWild act, I have signed up for family membership of our local Wildlife Trust. Have you joined yet? Find your local trust.

The Wildlife Trusts, Hertfordshire, 30 Days Wild, #StayWild, #LivingLifeWild, membership, wildlife, nature

And if you are looking for a new challenge, it is now Plastic Free July too! #PlasticFree 

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