How to Start Eating Healthier and Stick to It: 3 Simple Changes You Can Make Right Now

If you want to start eating healthier but you are finding it hard, or if you know that you need to make some changes but you don’t know where to start, here are 3 simple changes you can make right now to get you on your way… Drink Black Coffee I am not a coffee drinker myself, but I was surprised to discover it does have some health benefits. Did you know that coffee is great for burning calories? It can actually increase your metabolism and it can also help you to curb your appetite as well. of course, it’s important to know that when you do drink coffee, that you need to have it black. Milk adds loads of calories to the drink and absorbs some of the benefits. Plus no sugar or sweeteners either! When you drink black coffee, you will soon be able to see a difference in the quality of coffee as well and this can open up a brand new hobby for you. Don’t forget to choose sustainable brands if possible though! Of course, if you have never tried black coffee before then you may find that it takes some getting used to, but it …

If you want to start eating healthier but you are finding it hard, or if you know that you need to make some changes but you don’t know where to start, here are 3 simple changes you can make right now to get you on your way…

How to Start Eating Healthier and Stick to It: 3 Simple Changes You Can Make Right Now

Drink Black Coffee

I am not a coffee drinker myself, but I was surprised to discover it does have some health benefits. Did you know that coffee is great for burning calories? It can actually increase your metabolism and it can also help you to curb your appetite as well. of course, it’s important to know that when you do drink coffee, that you need to have it black. Milk adds loads of calories to the drink and absorbs some of the benefits. Plus no sugar or sweeteners either!

When you drink black coffee, you will soon be able to see a difference in the quality of coffee as well and this can open up a brand new hobby for you. Don’t forget to choose sustainable brands if possible though! Of course, if you have never tried black coffee before then you may find that it takes some getting used to, but it will be worth it!

Cup of coffee. Smily face in coffee

Eat Your Greens! But don’t forget other superfoods too…

Eat plenty of vegetables for nutrition and to fill up on healthy snacks rather than turning to junk. Get in the habit of nibbling a carrot for example, rather than munching on something with more empty calories! Try eating vegetables that you have picked right from your garden, as this will give you a huge sense of accomplishment and you will soon see how the products you have grown yourself differ when compared to the ones that you have purchased in the store.

Also choose nutritious grains to fill your belly. Quinoa is a popular choice of course but less known options such as sorghum are also worth considering too. It is easier on the digestive system, and rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and protein. Plus, it’s eco-friendly. Assuming you cannot forage sorghum seeds locally, which is unlikely, see if you can source any in stores.

Bowl of fruit and grains. Healthy breakfast

Healthy Substitutes

It is more than possible for you to have great meals without having to compromise too much. You can easily switch items for similar, yet healthier, alternatives. As time goes on you will likely find that you are able to become more creative as well. If you want to get started, try swapping mashed potatoes with some cauliflower. Cauliflower is nice and creamy, and it tastes like mashed potato as well; it’s soft and delicious. The best thing about this substitution is that you won’t be overloading your body with starch and it is a great way for you to lower the calorie intake. Another simple swap is to opt for sweet potato fries instead of chips. For snacks, if you struggle to give up the crisps, try switching from potato crisps to vegetable crisps.

Sweet potato fries

It is the simple changes that start you on the path to healthy eating without it seeming too overwhelming. And remember, every small positive change is a step in the right direction!

*This is a collaborative post.

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