Kelly Allen – Home Education Guest Post Series

You may remember last year I ran a guest post series for fellow home educators. Well, incase you missed it, here is another one! This Q&A guest post is written by Kelly, who has home educated her two children for the past 2.5 years… Introduction My name is Kelly, I’m married to Warren and we have two home educating children called George and Molly. We live in Cardiff and we enjoy going on long dog walks, movies, arts and crafts. How long have you home educated for and why did you decide to do it? 2 and a half years. My children were really unhappy, medical reasons and a lack of faith in the school system. Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so? We’re probably semi structured, with days out and groups as well as little projects at home focused on their passions. What was your highlight of home ed last week? Having the realisation that they’ve suddenly grown up, and being able to spend those precious long days with them that will soon be memories of childhood. I’m glad I can be there during it all. What …

You may remember last year I ran a guest post series for fellow home educators. Well, incase you missed it, here is another one! This Q&A guest post is written by Kelly, who has home educated her two children for the past 2.5 years…

Home education guest post series


My name is Kelly, I’m married to Warren and we have two home educating children called George and Molly. We live in Cardiff and we enjoy going on long dog walks, movies, arts and crafts.

How long have you home educated for and why did you decide to do it?

2 and a half years. My children were really unhappy, medical reasons and a lack of faith in the school system.

Briefly describe your home ed style. Do you have a ‘typical’ week and what does it include if so?

We’re probably semi structured, with days out and groups as well as little projects at home focused on their passions.

What was your highlight of home ed last week?

Having the realisation that they’ve suddenly grown up, and being able to spend those precious long days with them that will soon be memories of childhood. I’m glad I can be there during it all.

What is your favourite thing about home edding your child/ren?

Freedom without the influence of school life or the pressure to pass standardised exams during childhood.

What do you find most difficult and why?

Other people’s opinions and the infamous socialisation question. I just find it incredibly judgemental and exhausting to answer time and time again.

What advice would you give to other home educators?

Reach out to the community, whether online or at groups. They’ll be your network of support and you’ll probably need it.

You can find Kelly Allen over at her blog and social media channels…

5 thoughts on “Kelly Allen – Home Education Guest Post Series”

  1. Well. Done! I think there is a lot of relieved parents out there now that the children have broke up for the holidays!

  2. I think that home ed is becoming more and more popular (maybe because of the wealth of resources that are now available via the internet?).

    And someone appreciated this post because they chose to share it at the BlogCrush linky for you. Hurray! Feel free to bob over and grab your “I’ve been featured” blog badge #blogcrush


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