Luxury Lounge: A Room Designed For Opulence

The modern home has decided that when it comes to relaxation and socializing, the living room, garden and kitchen are the spaces to do them in. For a long time, designers have resigned to the fact that modern homes just don’t have as much space as they used to. The living room has now taken the place that the lounge room once occupied. Don’t get confused, the living room and lounge room are not the same. Even though they’re designed to be the main room of any home, the lounge was designed specifically as a reception and socializing space for guests. The living room is more for common endeavors, such as sitting, eating, watching television, etc. But what if you did have space for a lounge? What if you attempted to steal away the limelight that the kitchen and garden have? You’d need a whole new redesign project… All doors lead to… Before we even get to the interior design of the lounge room, you need to design the structure of your ground floor. The lounge room has to be larger than the average living room. One of the reasons why it is so opulent is because it affords the …

'Luxury Lounge: A Room Designed For Opulence

The modern home has decided that when it comes to relaxation and socializing, the living room, garden and kitchen are the spaces to do them in. For a long time, designers have resigned to the fact that modern homes just don’t have as much space as they used to. The living room has now taken the place that the lounge room once occupied. Don’t get confused, the living room and lounge room are not the same. Even though they’re designed to be the main room of any home, the lounge was designed specifically as a reception and socializing space for guests. The living room is more for common endeavors, such as sitting, eating, watching television, etc. But what if you did have space for a lounge? What if you attempted to steal away the limelight that the kitchen and garden have? You’d need a whole new redesign project…

All doors lead to…

Before we even get to the interior design of the lounge room, you need to design the structure of your ground floor. The lounge room has to be larger than the average living room. One of the reasons why it is so opulent is because it affords the guests plenty of space. Thus you will need to hire a team that knows how to make the most out of space and join all the doors from other rooms to the lounge. For bespoke projects such as this, Residential Architects is known to provide customers with an excellently detailed plan of what they’ll do. They’ll deal with the material procurement, keep you updated at all stages, include your input at every meeting and design the floor plan and room layout to your exact specifications.

Corners of design

Every lounge room has to have multiple zones where people of different tastes can sit comfortably. That’s why if you look at Victorian Era lounges, you’ll find that there is rarely any symmetry in the room. Each corner of the room can have its own variation of the same style. For example, if you like a modern interior, you can have a leather corner sofa and in the corner opposite, you can have a leather Chaise lounge chair. In the other two corners, you can have modern single sofa chairs and or waiting room chairs. Each corner should have it’s own coffee table and lamp. It gives everyone in the room, their own space, comfort and unique details of style.

The finishing touch

What gives any lounge the finishing touch is the ornaments. Lounge rooms were at their height in the Victorian Era, and a huge part of this style was the fact that there were small objects littered around the room, all telling their own story. What kind of story do you want to tell in your lounge? Maybe you would like it to be about a safari you went on, so bronze impalas, silver lions, and wooden parrot ornaments can be scattered around the room.

'Luxury Lounge: A Room Designed For Opulence

Creating a lounge room is one of the best things you’ll ever do for your home. It’s a large expansive space that becomes the heart of any home, giving guests space and luxury like they’ve never experienced before.

*This is a collaborative post

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