Our Latest Wild Adventures – #30DaysWild

Ok, so I got abit behind in blogging about our 30 Days Wild adventures. We have still been very much taking part, and I have posted on social media about a couple of things, I just hadn’t got as far as writing about it here! So I thought I would do a quick round-up post instead to catch up! On Friday, we went for a lovely family walk through a local nature reserve called The Wick. It is a lovely area of ancient woodlands that local residents are working hard to protect and preserve.  The highlight was when we came across this old log and Squiggle looked at it and declared it looks like a rabbit – which it really does! I love her creative mind. Squiggle exploring… I also paused to grab a few photos during our walk too… On Saturday, we took a day trip to Whitchurch for the annual Sylvanian Shopping Weekend. It is a pretty village and the event is surrounded by beautiful natural settings with lots of wildlife. We had a wonderful time! On Sunday, I planted a virtual seed on Grow Wild UK. Squiggle also took this photo in a local park… Also on Sunday, one of our furbabies …

Ok, so I got abit behind in blogging about our 30 Days Wild adventures. We have still been very much taking part, and I have posted on social media about a couple of things, I just hadn’t got as far as writing about it here! So I thought I would do a quick round-up post instead to catch up!

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors

On Friday, we went for a lovely family walk through a local nature reserve called The Wick. It is a lovely area of ancient woodlands that local residents are working hard to protect and preserve. 

30 days wild, The Wick, nature reserve, ancient woodland, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors

The highlight was when we came across this old log and Squiggle looked at it and declared it looks like a rabbit – which it really does! I love her creative mind.

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, Wick nature reserve, visit Herts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors

Squiggle exploring…

30 days wild, nature reserve, Hertfordshire, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors, Wick, nature reserve, ancient woodland

I also paused to grab a few photos during our walk too…

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, photography, get outside, outdoors

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, photography, get outside, outdoors

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, photography, get outside, outdoors

On Saturday, we took a day trip to Whitchurch for the annual Sylvanian Shopping Weekend. It is a pretty village and the event is surrounded by beautiful natural settings with lots of wildlife. We had a wonderful time!

30 days wild, whitchurch, places to visit, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors

On Sunday, I planted a virtual seed on Grow Wild UK. Squiggle also took this photo in a local park…

30 days wild, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors, photography

Also on Sunday, one of our furbabies went off exploring and hadn’t returned for several hours. By evening I was wondering where he had got to, so I went out to call him. I heard a high pierced sound and when I looked up there was a bat circling right above my head!!! I have seen lots of bats round here before, but I have never heard one – to be honest, I didn’t think humans actually could hear them! I thought their pitch/ frequency was out of the range of human hearing… but I know what I heard; I was shocked, but very exciting!

Earlier this week, I spent time looking into more sustainable products to help us progress with our journey towards a more plastic- free and less waste, green living, lifestyle. I am hoping to collaborate with some brands soon to write an essentials guide – so more on that soon hopefully!

Today Squiggle enjoyed splashing around in the lake at Ruislip Lido

30 days wild, places to visit, Ruislip lido, days out, blue mind, #30dayswild, #livinglifewild, The Wildlife Trusts, 100 days of blue, #waterislife, #waterismedicine, stay wild, nature, wildlife, natural environment, childhood unplugged, get outside, outdoors
(Please note: swimming not allowed!)

And that brings me up to date with our wild adventures!

What adventures have you been up to recently? Tell me in comments or leave your posts in my linky! 

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