Our (Sub)Urban Nature Walk #30DaysWild 

To mark the end of 30 Days Wild, Squiggle was given the choice of what nature activity to do. (Making it a totally random act of wildness for me!!!) She chose to go on a nature walk to the ‘burbs, so we set off on our ‘final’ adventure (of course it isn’t really – we will #StayWild and continue #LivingLifeWild as we always have!)  We took our time, stopping to take photos and study the beautiful plants, flowers, insects and other nature along our way. We then stopped for a quick play in the park, which we were delighted to find had been left overgrown and wild, before heading back. So I will leave you with a small selection of the photos we took…

To mark the end of 30 Days Wild, Squiggle was given the choice of what nature activity to do. (Making it a totally random act of wildness for me!!!) She chose to go on a nature walk to the ‘burbs, so we set off on our ‘final’ adventure (of course it isn’t really – we will #StayWild and continue #LivingLifeWild as we always have!) 

We took our time, stopping to take photos and study the beautiful plants, flowers, insects and other nature along our way. We then stopped for a quick play in the park, which we were delighted to find had been left overgrown and wild, before heading back.

So I will leave you with a small selection of the photos we took…

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, bee, insect, wildlife, pollinator, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

30 Days Wild, nature, nature walk, nature photography, suburbs, Hertfordshire, childhood unplugged, get outside, kids need nature, outdoors, #30dayswild, #staywild, #livinglifewild

2 thoughts on “Our (Sub)Urban Nature Walk #30DaysWild ”

  1. This is a great post! I love being outside in nature! your photos are brilliant! Have you ever considered doing photography as a profession? I think you’d be brilliant!


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