Reducing Food Waste – Zero Waste Week Successes (And Some Challenges!)

Zero Waste Week is coming to an end; but the Zero Waste lifestyle carries on. This year, we’ve learned about reducing food waste. An unfathomable amount is thrown away each year and this has a colossal impact on the world around us. It affects climate change; which in turn affects habitats, ecosystems and life across the whole planet. However, we’re not powerless to make a difference! Day 5 Challenge: Share your Zero Waste Week successes! How did you go about reducing your food waste this week? What have you learned? Over the last few days we’ve talked about different ways to reduce food waste; how to get the most out of those ‘Best Before’ dates, the positive effects of ‘Eat Me First shelves’ in cupboards and fridges, how to make changes to shopping habits and some cool food storage tips. Hopefully you’ve learned some awesome new tips and tricks for your own Zero Waste journey. If so, do share your successes in comments or on social media using the #ZeroWasteWeek hashtag! By being mindful of what we have, what we actually need, when food is actually waste (and isn’t) and what we bring into our homes, we can reduce the amount …

Zero Waste Week is coming to an end; but the Zero Waste lifestyle carries on. This year, we’ve learned about reducing food waste. An unfathomable amount is thrown away each year and this has a colossal impact on the world around us. It affects climate change; which in turn affects habitats, ecosystems and life across the whole planet. However, we’re not powerless to make a difference!

Zero Waste Week 2020 - reducing food waste - Day 5

Day 5 Challenge: Share your Zero Waste Week successes! How did you go about reducing your food waste this week? What have you learned?

Over the last few days we’ve talked about different ways to reduce food waste; how to get the most out of those ‘Best Before’ dates, the positive effects of ‘Eat Me First shelves’ in cupboards and fridges, how to make changes to shopping habits and some cool food storage tips. Hopefully you’ve learned some awesome new tips and tricks for your own Zero Waste journey. If so, do share your successes in comments or on social media using the #ZeroWasteWeek hashtag!

By being mindful of what we have, what we actually need, when food is actually waste (and isn’t) and what we bring into our homes, we can reduce the amount that gets thrown out. Of course, different households have different needs and that’s OK. It’s about being honest with yourself and doing what you can within the context of your situation. The main ‘food for thought’ from this Zero Waste Week though is buy less and use more; not to go without, but to maximise your efficiency with what food you already have, and not buy too much.

As for me? Well, I certainly didn’t manage not to produce any food waste; however, I was mindful not to buy more than needed, and tried to make sure food is stored well and not wasted (within the confines of sensory issues). I kept track of my food waste this week (which is an interesting comparison to do with the food waste audit beforehand by the way!) and frustratingly found that a few berries still made it into my food waste bin – although less at least, so that is a win! Even more frustringly, there were some garlic bread slices that didn’t get eaten simply because they were too overcooked (I got distracted!)

That’s life though, and I will keep trying to reduce this amount of course! As the Zero Waste Week motto goes; we don’t need a few people doing zero waste perfectly, we need millions doing it imperfectly!

There is plenty to celebrate too; overall our food waste produced this week was definitely less and I picked up some handy tips along the way! It was great to see so many people getting involved on social media and sharing useful advice, stories and successes. Lots of fab inspirational people; well done and thank you!

Zero Waste Week thanks

If you want further information on reducing food waste, check out the Zero Waste Week courses!

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