Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post – Midlands Traveller

When it comes to being environmentally-friendly, then gardening is one of the best ways that you can get in touch with nature. You can also use your garden to make your home greener, so as well as having green fingers, you will also have some green credentials. Let our simple tips help you to make your garden even greener… Go Native Ensuring that you grow a lot of plants that are native to the area that you are in will help to attract a lot of native wildlife to your garden. Keeping local wildflowers in your garden is easy and simple to do and because they are native to the area you normally don’t need to use a lot of pest control, or chemicals to keep them in good order. Thus helping your green credentials. Plant a Tree Not only will having a tree help provide you with some shade in the summer so that you can sit out and enjoy the sunshine but it has been shown that trees are also great for attracting wildlife to your garden. You may well get squirrels or nesting birds coming to live in your tree all providing bonuses to the natural ecology …

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post - Midlands Traveller

When it comes to being environmentally-friendly, then gardening is one of the best ways that you can get in touch with nature. You can also use your garden to make your home greener, so as well as having green fingers, you will also have some green credentials. Let our simple tips help you to make your garden even greener…

Simple Ways To Make Your Garden More Eco-Friendly: Guest Post - Midlands Traveller

Go Native

Ensuring that you grow a lot of plants that are native to the area that you are in will help to attract a lot of native wildlife to your garden. Keeping local wildflowers in your garden is easy and simple to do and because they are native to the area you normally don’t need to use a lot of pest control, or chemicals to keep them in good order. Thus helping your green credentials.

Plant a Tree

Not only will having a tree help provide you with some shade in the summer so that you can sit out and enjoy the sunshine but it has been shown that trees are also great for attracting wildlife to your garden. You may well get squirrels or nesting birds coming to live in your tree all providing bonuses to the natural ecology of your garden.

Go Wild

Whilst having an immaculately manicured garden can look good, it can be hard to maintain and it also puts off wildlife. Consider dedicating an area or patch of your garden over to wildness. This can be a great habitat for wildlife and also will cut down on the amount of maintenance that you need to do. A controller area of wild growth will not unduly impact on the look of your garden.

Make Homes For Wildlife

Consider adding habitats to your garden to help attract wildlife to your garden. You can put up bird boxes, create bug hotels, or set refuges for hedgehogs. You don’t have to go for full beehives or anything of that nature if you don’t want to, but every little helps.

Grow Your Own Food

If you can, why not devote a patch of your garden to grow food. You can easily grow a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs in your garden. This will cut down on the amount you need to buy and nothing tastes better than the freshest of organic vegetables that contain some of your hard work and effort. You can’t get a smaller carbon footprint than homegrown.

Reduce Waste

You can easily use parts of your garden to help reduce waste. Using a rain barrel to collect water will mean that you don’t have to use as much tap water and rainwater is full of extra nutrients that will help your plants to grow better. You can also create a composting area and use food scraps and garden waste such as autumn leaves to create some great compost that can be used for your plants. All this cuts down on the number of products that you have to buy as well as the amount of waste that you have to dispose of.

About Midlands Traveller

Simone is a journalist with both Brazilian and British citizenship who has been living in Birmingham since 2011. She is vegetarian, with a passion for plant-based food. She also has a keen interest in green living. She writes at Midlands Traveller; a blog about business opportunities, the travel industry and well-being. You can find her on twitter, instagram and facebook too. 

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