Songmics Bamboo Shoe Rack: Review and Giveaway 

As it starts to get more wet and muddy outside, having somewhere to store our shoes and wellies is essential! So it was handy to be sent a Songmics bamboo shoe rack to review. The shoe rack was really quick and easy to assemble. It comes in four pieces screwed together with 8 screws. It took 6 minutes to put together and that was certainly on the longer side of how long it would take your average person. The shoe rack itself is nice and sturdy. It looks great and is very practical; the bamboo is very easy to wipe down and keep clean. I also like the fact that it is made from bamboo, which is highly sustainable. The shoe rack measures 70cm long x 25cm wide, which fits several pairs of shoes in a row. The height is 33cm, with the bottom shelf starting at 8.5cm from the ground and a gap of 18.5cm between the shelves. This leaves space for small, flat shoes (e.g slippers or plimsolls) or other items on the floor below the bottom shelf, normal shoes fit on the bottom shelf and then wellies or boots go on the top shelf. The rack can also be …

As it starts to get more wet and muddy outside, having somewhere to store our shoes and wellies is essential! So it was handy to be sent a Songmics bamboo shoe rack to review.

#bamboo #eco #sustainable #interiors #home #review #songmic

The shoe rack was really quick and easy to assemble. It comes in four pieces screwed together with 8 screws. It took 6 minutes to put together and that was certainly on the longer side of how long it would take your average person.

The shoe rack itself is nice and sturdy. It looks great and is very practical; the bamboo is very easy to wipe down and keep clean. I also like the fact that it is made from bamboo, which is highly sustainable.

The shoe rack measures 70cm long x 25cm wide, which fits several pairs of shoes in a row. The height is 33cm, with the bottom shelf starting at 8.5cm from the ground and a gap of 18.5cm between the shelves. This leaves space for small, flat shoes (e.g slippers or plimsolls) or other items on the floor below the bottom shelf, normal shoes fit on the bottom shelf and then wellies or boots go on the top shelf.

#bamboo #eco #sustainable #interiors #home #review #songmic

The rack can also be used for other purposes too. For example, it makes a stylish bathroom organiser. It looks modern and neat so would fit well in any room. I love it!

You can be in with a chance of winning one of these fab shoe racks by entering the giveaway below. One lucky winner will be drawn randomly by rafflecopter after the competition ends. UK residents only. Competition ends on 25th November 2017. Other T&Cs apply.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure: I was sent this item for the purpose of review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. The post contains amazon affiliate links. This does not cost the buyer anything extra, but I make a small amount from sales made via the link. Thank you.

171 thoughts on “Songmics Bamboo Shoe Rack: Review and Giveaway ”

  1. I love the look of this, it would stop all the muddy boots on the floor! Also would look tidier. I make lists of jobs that need doing around the house and tick them off as I go along x

  2. this looks great – my top tip involves a shoe holder lol – add a hook on the back of a wardrobe or wall cupboard door and hang one of those hanging shoe organisers from it – it’s ideal for rolling up joggers and leggings for storage and making use of dead space

  3. Love the style of the shoe rack but have to admit I think I would buy some wicker baskets to fit in and on it 🙂 And when the house is busy with visitors, a few lovely cushions on top would make a few extra seats 🙂

  4. I love this shoe rack! My storage tip is to store away your summer clothes in the winter so they dont take up room in your wardrobe 🙂

  5. A wonderful giveaway and I’m absolutely loving the bamboo! I think it’s such a versatile material and it looks so good! My top tip for keeping organised at home is keep things minimalistic and ensure everywhere has a place ?

  6. Organising the home is always much easier when living alone, you only have yourself to blame for any untidiness.Tidiness is a virtue, symmetry is often a constituent of beauty…

  7. I’m always amazed how much of a difference having shoes organised makes! Our rack has recently broken, but it was such a revelation when we first got it and FINALLY got rid of the pile of shoes in our hallway! With a rack it looks tidy and everyone can find their PAIRS of shoes!!!

  8. This is lovely! Would be great for our house, we use a very small cupboard for our shoes at the moment, it’s always overflowing! This would be great for our everyday ones!

  9. Storage is absolutely the key to organisation and if you have a small home like me, use wall storage and under bed storage etc x

  10. Like you say this item has more than one use…..would be great in any room of our house. My tip for organisation is to invest in an electronic label maker – everything is labelled in our house, all chargers for phones, cameras, laptops etc & food in the pantry. It really helps

  11. This shoe rack would be ideal for keeping the house tidy and the shoes organised. Tripping over a pile of shoes is so annoying and looks too messy. My tip would be to have regular clear outs throughout the year. It means that clutter is kept to a minimum and less storage space is required.

  12. This would be great for organising the bottom of my big wardrobe. At the moment it is a dumping ground for handbags and I can’t see what I have.

  13. This rack is really lovely and would go really well with our bedroom decoration. I love that’s its sustainable material too! I live in a 2 bed terrace and we are expecting our first baby so space is an endless issue. My boyfriend built us some wardrobes in our bedroom so that we could utilise every bit of space in our alcoves without wasting any with conventional purchased wardrobes. I love them 🙂 It was more effort but they will last any its made all the difference x

  14. This would find a new home behind my frontdoor so we could leave all out shoes and muddy boots and swap into our cosy slippers.
    My top tip if you move something, put it back where it belongs, a clean house is a happy house

  15. I would love this!! It might encourage the kids to actually pack their shoes away rather than leaving them scattered all over the house x

  16. This is a stunning bench, it looks very well made and would look beautiful in my hall. Top tip for tidying….. have a husband who doesnt like mess he will put it all away snd keep the house amazing hahaha?

  17. I am fed up tripping over shoes on the way in the door so this would be ideal, I keep meaning to buy a shoe rack but have never got round to it

  18. I need all the tips I can get my hallway always seems to be in a mess. This shoe rack would be the perfect opportunity to at least sort out the shoes

  19. This looks great and would be a big help. We have a set of 5 hooks up in the garage. One for each family member plus one for guests. This keeps our coats well organised and easy to find.

  20. This is wonderful. My shoes are literally at the bottom of my wardrobe as I dont have a shoe rack but this one would fit perfectly in our room. Perfect size and looks good too.

  21. A great useful prize because there never seems to be enough shoe storage! Use shoe boxes to store shoes that you wear less often in the bottom of your wardrobe rather than having them all in your hall or porch!

  22. It’s great to see that this is made with something as sustainable as bamboo and it would probably suit most styles of home.

  23. This is a really practical item, but it looks good too. A tip for storage would be to actually put stuff away straight away, and not let it build up. If you don’t need it, get rid of it.

  24. Shoe rack’s style would fit in anywhere. Love it. Pack away your summer or winter things, as the season dictates, is what I’d recommend to keep the house tidier. Big bulky jackets too. Although with our summers you will still need your wellies all year.

  25. I would love this for my daughter’s shoes. She is 11 and has Dyspraxia. One of the ways in which that affects her is that she struggles with organisation and is constantly losing her belongings, especially shoes. Having her own shoe rack would be fantastic as she could keep them all in one place and this looks the perfect size.

  26. Love this. My shoes would look so much nicer than in the pile they are in now. Try not to collect too much clutter is my tip. i keep buying more books than I can possibly read lol.

  27. Always looking for more space saving ideas. this would be perfect for my sons shoes as he currently leaves them right behind the door. as they do

  28. My best tip is not to marry and/or have kids! I’d love a shoe rack to get everything off the floor – even though I’ll probably be the only one to use it

  29. Stylish and functional…love it.
    Be ruthless when deciding to have a clear out…I am guilty of saying I’ll use it sometime and I never do!!

  30. Having a lovely shoe rack is a great help to tidiness and if you can persuade your family to tuck the shoelaces into the shoes rather than have them hanging outside they will stay clean and out of the way.

  31. Take items that you haven’t used within the last year to a charity shop – they will welcome the contribution to their good cause and you will have cleared your home of unnecessary items which are just occupying valuable space.

  32. This would look good in our hallway – we always struggle to keep all the shoes tidy and they seem to get scattered all round the house. I’ve found that the best way to keep the house tidy is to throw away anything that noone has used in the last six months as it stops the place being cluttered with junk that noone wants but are reluctant to get rid of. TIP: Do this when everyone is out otherwise the stuff keeps finding its way back indoors

  33. It could be used for bathroom/bedroom as well .What a stylish storage unit !!!
    I love the under the bed storage boxes with lids.Toys,clothes & extra bedding are all tidied away neatly.

  34. This would be perfect for the house as the other half is always leaving his shoes all over the house, my top tip would be to plan things before you start moving things around!

  35. We have just moved into our new home, all our shoes are under the stairs so this would be perfect to keep them neat and tidy, I have three children and a fiance who are all messy, I just make sure I go behind them all putting everything back in its place, family and friends say to leave it until the end of the night as I’m constantly doing it but I can’t stand clutter, I even do all the dishes while I leave my food to cool down so I only have plates and cutlery to do when everyone has finished xxx

  36. thanks for the opportunity to win this prize good look all!!! my top tip for organisation is keep on top of it and have a place for everything and if it doesn’t have a place more than likely you dont need it

  37. Really need one of these for my front door. So handy and very modern looking. Top tip would be to buy lots of storage boxes, wardrobe space savers and racks

  38. I’ve been wanting a shoe rack for quite a while. Our shoes tend to end up in the hallway, and it gets a bit annoying. I have the perfect spot in mind that would really help our entryway look so much better.

  39. I absolutely love the look of this. It is so chic. I like lots of storage baskets and racks to keep my home tidy and organised.

  40. What a nice shoe rack. I do not have a hall cupboard so have to try hard to keep things tidy. My best tip is to label everything so it can be found easily after storage.

  41. what a classy looking shoe rack. I love to get the kids involved in tidying up, and when they were younger I had photographs taped onto the storage boxes so they knew what went where.

  42. This would be very handy for my hallway, with three kids there never seems to be enough room for all out shoes. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  43. Looks perfect for our cupboard under the stairs. the best way to stay tidy and organised is to tidy as you go along your day

  44. I’d suggest to anyone that they have a meal planning pad in the kitchen that everyone can see – write on whats for dinner each night, I use it to keep track of a shopping list, and also write on our childcare arrangements for the week!

  45. Love Songmics, they have loads of useful products, that can be used in a number of ways. My Top Tip, is for everyone to have their own Downstairs box, and everyday, for everyone to put things in it that need to be ‘tided’ away, then once a week, tidy it! Hope that makes sense!

  46. This would be great in our hall! Its a great design, not too big but will hopefully stop my sons just kicking their shoes off and leaving them where ever they land!

  47. I really need to reorganise my hall way and shoes are one of the main causes of ‘untidiness’ here so this would be a very useful addition

  48. This would be a brilliant way to organise the pile of shoes that permanently seems to be outside our front door and it would stop everyone tripping over them all the time too!

  49. Would be perfect for keeping little people’s wellies and muddy things. How lovely!

    My top tip for organisation is to keep everything in clear containers with labels as you always forget!!

  50. I really like this. It wouldn’t fit all our shoes in but would be good for the regular footwear or for visitors to use. Best way to be organised at home is to declutter! Simple and minimalistic is easier to manage.

  51. thank you for a lovely giveaway. i used the plastic boxes that slide under the bed for stoarge they are really good and can fit loads in!

  52. This is lovely and would look fab in my hallway. I always try to have a home for everything so you can put away rather than put down

  53. Im a fan of rotating summer and winter clothing with loft storage and in large clear boxes, helps keep space freed up, many thanks….

  54. We invested in a few storage boxes of different sizes. We bought large boxes for bulky toys and smaller ones for the flimsy model airplanes, tubes of bubbles and bouncy balls. If your children know that everything has a home it’s easier for them to keep things tidy.

  55. Love the giveaway, really helps with shoes everywhere! My tip is to rotate toys so that not everything is out at once.

  56. I think this is a great giveaway! My top tip for home organisation is to tidy and clean when the kids are in bed so they’re not wanting your attention.

  57. This is so simple but stylish! Would come in really handy in our house (5 of us) so you can imagine how many pairs of shoes!!

  58. I love the look of this shoe rack, I like the white against the wood very nice and modern too.
    My top tip is organisation have everything in their certain places. only keep what you really need.

  59. This would be so handy for all our shoes! Thank you! A storage tip….store away your Summer/Spring clothes (that you obviously won’t be wearing just now) in vaccum bags to save space. Then when the Spring comes, swap them for your Autumn and Winter clothes.


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