Sunrise To Night Fall – #30DaysWild

Yesterday I watched the sunrise (again). I will be honest, I am not a morning person! But Squiggle is a poor sleeper sometimes and is often a (very) early riser. You know what they say – if you are handed lemons, make lemonade; so I try to make the best of it! Watching the sunrise is one beautiful way of doing that. Here is a slideshow of the photos I took… Later on that evening, I was stood at our patio door enjoying some peace and watching a bat circle around the garden. I noticed the clouds were moving quite quickly so I decided to have a play with the hyperlapse function on my new phone to record a little video clip of the clouds… It is quite cool, it looks pretty interesting! I love watching the sky; the colours, the shape and speed of the clouds, patterns, how it changes… it is just really fascinating! #30DaysWild #LivingLifeWild

Yesterday I watched the sunrise (again). I will be honest, I am not a morning person! But Squiggle is a poor sleeper sometimes and is often a (very) early riser. You know what they say – if you are handed lemons, make lemonade; so I try to make the best of it! Watching the sunrise is one beautiful way of doing that. Here is a slideshow of the photos I took…

Later on that evening, I was stood at our patio door enjoying some peace and watching a bat circle around the garden. I noticed the clouds were moving quite quickly so I decided to have a play with the hyperlapse function on my new phone to record a little video clip of the clouds…

It is quite cool, it looks pretty interesting! I love watching the sky; the colours, the shape and speed of the clouds, patterns, how it changes… it is just really fascinating!

30 Days Wild, #livinglifewild, clouds, urban skyline, photography, childhood unplugged, get outside

#30DaysWild #LivingLifeWild

1 thought on “Sunrise To Night Fall – #30DaysWild”

  1. Beautiful pictures!! I miss watching the sunrise on the beach where I grew up. It’s amazing to wake up that early – I love feeling like I accomplished so much before anyone else is up


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