Kelly Allen – Home Education Guest Post Series

You may remember last year I ran a guest post series for fellow home educators. Well, incase you missed it, here is another one! This Q&A guest post is written by Kelly, who has home educated her two children for the past 2.5 years… Introduction My name is Kelly, I’m married to Warren and we … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 57 (Peanut Butter Fish Lessons)

5 Keys to Our Homeschooling Life My name is Randi and I homeschool our two boys, ages 8 and 7.  We live in the southeastern United States and are just finishing up our third year of homeschooling.  We started homeschooling after our oldest son finished kindergarten and we realized he was not going to fit … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 56 (Amanda)

Introduction Hi, I’m Amanda (36) I have a passion for photography, nature, nutrition and history. I’m currently doing an online course in Nutrition and Health. I’m married to David (37) who is a self-employed painter and decorator, fantastic at DIY and woodwork and an avid gamer ! We have 4 boys aged 12, 11, 10 … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 46 (They Grow So Quick)

Introduction Hi, I am Emma, mum of three boys Seb who is 6, Alex aged 4 and Barney who is 1. We live in West Yorkshire.  How long have you home educated for and what made you decide to do it? Seb became compulsory school age last January so officially we have been home educating … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 45 (he2kidsandme)

I’m he2kidsandme; HE as in Home Education, my 2 kids are Big kid who’s 14, Little kids who’s 8 and me, Jo. The name doesn’t give any credit to my husband who is a big part of our family but doesn’t appear much in our adventures because he’s usually at work or behind the scenes at home, … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 44 (GWkid)

Introduction I am the mother of the GWkid on utube! We are home Educators for a while every day changes therefore so does learning people always ask when do you stop edding the answer is never! We learn all day everyday baby! when we want how we want and what we want. We are very blessed to … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 43 

We are a larger than average family, with 7 children aged 22, 21, 17, 14, nearly 8, 5 & 3. The eldest 2 are now obviously grown up and getting on with adult lives and our 17 yr old is due to start college soon, but the younger 4 are still very much in full … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 42 (With a Hop, Skip and a Jump)

My name is Kate and my husband home educates our eldest son Dylan. We have two younger children who both attend mainstream local schools. Dylan attended special education settings until year 4 when we decided to home educate using a ABA (applied behaviour analysis) approach. Our reason for home educating was because we felt that … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 41 (Emma)

I’m Emma, married to Paul and mum to Chloe (18) , Ethan (14) and Tabitha (8).  I started home educating when Chloe was 5. She wasn’t enjoying her reception year at school, so we decided to home educate. My other two have never been to school. We don’t really have a typical week other than … Read more