100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 31 (Charlotte)

Note: This guest post was originally written and published back in 2015, and has not been updated. We have been home educating now for nearly 2 years, our decision was based on the ill-health of our twins and the school’s inability to support them. It’s not always been easy (having to fit my counselling and … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 30 (Squished Blueberries)

Introduction I’m Louise, a 29 year old Mum of three from Hampshire. I’m an ex Nursery Nurse, turned full time home educator. I live with my Husband Carl and our children, Mabel who is nearly five, Greta who is three and Ernie who is 1. How long have you home educated for and what made … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 29 (Favourite Things About Home Educating) 

Ok, so for today on #100DaysofHomeEd I have something abit different; I asked a selection of home educators (all with SEND children) what their favourite thing is about home educating. Here are the answers… Sharon – Incidental learning is so much more enjoyable because it is fun to learn . Wish I had taken this … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 28 (Rina)

Introduction Hey! I’m Rina, 27, single mum to two beautiful, smart, caring, cheeky, energetic little dudes. L (Munchkin) is 4 almost 5 years old and E (Bugaboo) is 2. I suffer with 6 chronic illnesses, Fibromyalgia, Myofascial Pain Syndrome, Obsessive compulsive Disorder and Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction are the main ones. I have a passion for … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 27 (Melo)

Introduction My name is Melody Dixon, most call me Melo. I have two boys, Gabriel who’s 4 in April and Noah who’s 18months. Along with hubby, Tom, we live on a narrowboat and move up and down the Grand Union Canal. We lived on the boat since Gabriel was 18 months. How long have you … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 26 (Sharon)

Today is a new guest post by Sharon at Home Educating the Minions. Thank you for taking part! Over to you… Where do we start… well I am a mum of 3. My eldest (Minions 1) went all through the school system. My son (The Boy) 14 came out of school a little over a year … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 25 (Our Round-Up So Far)

So we are now 1/4 of the way through the #100daysofhomeed challenge! I thought this might be a good time to do a brief round-up of some of the activities we have done since the challenge started. No doubt there is a tonne of stuff I have forgotten but here are a few of the … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 24 (Frogotter)

Note: This post was originally written and published as a guest post for my blog back in 2015 and has not been updated. However for the latest news and adventures check out their awesome blog over at www.frogotter.wordpress.com It is full of amazing ideas and activities so pop over and be inspired!!!  We have three boys. The … Read more

100 Days of Home Ed #LoveHomeEd – Day 23 (Witts in the Wild)

We never planned as a family to home educate, we always thought Chloe would do the expected and common thing… go to nursery, go to primary and so on,  when Chloe was diagnosed with autism and PDA at the age of 5 we were under the impression she would be given help, but unfortunately due many … Read more