A Quick Cuppa With… Mummy Lauretta

How are we up to the middle of January already? That seems impossible! Anyway, joining me for a quick cuppa today is mum of identical twin boys, Laura.  Hi Laura! Firstly please take a moment to introduce yourself… My name is Laura, I’m 34 and a mum to 5 year old identical twin boys. I … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Devon Mama

Today, I have the pleasure of ‘meeting’ Hayley, who blogs at Devon Mama​. Here she is talking about her whirlwind 18 months, her love of the beach and her hatred of lasagne…  Hi Hayley, thank you for taking part! Tell me about yourself… Hi, I’m Hayley and I live in rural Devon with my husband, son … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Stephanie (Avec Amour) 

Today, the wonderfully creative and very lovely Stephanie from Avec Amour is chatting to me about her recent wedding and honeymoon, and how she found herself running a lovely little business selling gorgeous handcrafted home decor items and gifts shortly after… Thanks for taking part Stephanie! Tell me about yourself and your business… My name is Stephanie … Read more

A Quick Cuppa With… Kerry (Discovery Bubbas)

I am so excited to have the lovely Kerry of Discovery bubbas as my very first guest on this new series! Here she is, talking to us about being an ‘outside of the box’ thinker, her love of outdoors, and her future hopes… Welcome Kerry, and thanks for being my first guest 🙂 Tell me about yourself! … Read more

Introducing My Guest Post Series: A Quick Cuppa With… 

I’m very excited to introduce you all to my brand new guest post series: A Quick Cuppa With… Each week I will be chatting to a fellow blogger or small business owner to find out more about them. I started this Q&A series because it’s a great way to connect with, and support, other independents. I … Read more