The Pawsome Pros of Growing Up With Pets

The Pawsome Pros of Growing Up With Pets

For almost as long as I can remember, I’ve shared my life with pets; they truly are some of nature’s most wonderful companions. Cats, dogs, bunnies, birds, rodents and reptiles are just some of the species that I spent my formative years with. And I loved horse riding too! Growing up with pets really is … Read more

UK Zoos Finally Reopen, But They Still Need Our Help

After much concern that they were to stay shut indefinitely, zoos and wildlife parks have finally been able to reopen. Whilst this is great news, they still need our help! They were closed for around 3 months, missing out on high numbers of visitors during that period; and those admission fees would have helped support … Read more

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

ZSL Whipsnade Zoo: Review (The Busy Papa)

Squiggle and I have been to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo many times; infact, when she was younger, we were members for several years. We love it there. However, Aaron and the two papalites had never been before… until recently, when they visited to explore the wonders of Whipsnade Zoo for the first time, including the new … Read more

Why I Gave Up Meat: Guest Post by The Busy Papa (Aaron K Green)

Why I Gave Up Meat: Guest Post by The Busy Papa (Aaron K Green)

In December 2018 I gave up meat. This was a month after finishing Keto, a diet where I found myself leaning heavily on very fatty means. To be clear, Keto can work for vegetarians and vegans but at the time, that wasn’t an option. So, how did I get from point a to point b? … Read more

AniMalcolm: Book Review

AniMalcolm is the latest children’s novel by comedian and author David Baddiel, who already has two previously published bestsellers; The Parent Agency and The Person Controller. It is aimed at ages 8 – 11 years old and is the perfect book for any child, especially animal lovers! The story of AniMalcolm centres around a young … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 11: Your Favourite Type of Animal

I love animals, but I do have a few particular favourites that spring to mind. Growing up, dogs were my absolute firm favourite. I would spend many hours learning about different dog breeds, and I had a pet dog who I adored, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel called Cindy. I would love to have a … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 5: What Career Did You Have Planned As A Child? 

What were my childhood dreams, career-wise? What did I want to be when I grew up? Good question! I am not really sure I ever had an answer to that question, I think I had ideas of the kind of thing I might like but never anything specific. As mentioned before, I used to dream … Read more

A Typical Week in Home Education?

In reality there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ home education week for us; we are interest-led and we tend to go with the flow as we feel this suits our needs. The freedom to do this is one of the many reasons we love home educating. However, this post aims to give a … Read more