Birds and Bees… and Click Beetles! (A-Z of 30 Days Wild)

B is for…. Birds and bees! We have both loved bird watching and listening to bird sounds as part of 30 Days Wild; this is an annual favourite for me personally! It is amazing when you stay so still and silent, and just really tune into just the birds, how many different ones you will … Read more

The Best Places to Find Birds on a Rainy Day

Here in Britain, we’re well accustomed to the rain and wet weather; and sometimes it takes a  little bit of extra work to find wildlife on a drizzly day. Despite this, with a keen eye and a touch of willpower, you’ll be able to spot some of the fantastic wildlife our country has to offer! … Read more

How To Make An Apple Bird Feeder: Protecting Birds in Winter

As it is starting to draw closer to winter and food for wildlife is becoming more scarce, I thought it would be a good time to share this simple, fun activity we did at home recently. How To Make An Apple Bird Feeder You Will Need… Apple Twigs – Thick enough to be a perch … Read more