Introducing My Guest Post Series: A Quick Cuppa With… 

I’m very excited to introduce you all to my brand new guest post series: A Quick Cuppa With… Each week I will be chatting to a fellow blogger or small business owner to find out more about them. I started this Q&A series because it’s a great way to connect with, and support, other independents. I … Read more

Christmas Tag!

I love reading about how other families spend their Christmas and sharing abit about how we spend ours, so thank you to Bell and Bear for tagging me in this festive Q&A! Here are my answers… What’s your favourite Christmas movie? Love Actually. I have already watched it several times this month! I used to love Santa Claus: … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 7: What Made You Start Blogging

I first started blogging shortly after my daughter was born. I can’t even really entirely remember why I started blogging, I just felt inspired to write about my experiences as a new parent and wanted a platform to share. I think I also had vague ideas about one day writing a book and thought a … Read more