Financial Planning for Students

If you are planning to go to university, or are the parent of a potential or soon-to-be uni student, here are some useful financial planning tips for students… Find Affordable Accommodation One of the big outlays as a student is your accommodation; you need somewhere to live that gives you the best conditions to study … Read more

Getting A Mortgage: A Basic Guide

Given the uncertain times we live in, it is understandable that many out there will be seeking some extra stability. What this looks like will differ from household-to-household, but some out there could well be looking at their financial situation and asking a question that many have asked themselves over the years: “is getting a … Read more

Planning Your Retirement Funds Through a Reverse Mortgage

It is an essential part of life to try to ensure you have enough money when you retire. One of the ways to achieve this is by planning your retirement funds through a Reverse Mortgage… Looking after you You have worked hard your entire life, contributed to National Insurance payments, and paid all your taxes. … Read more

What Do You Need Money For?

Now, the title of this article might seem a little strange, seeing as the answer it would seem is most things in life cost money. You’re not wrong; you do need money for a whole host of different things in life! But simply saying ‘everything’ doesn’t really cut it. So, while it might seem like … Read more

Budgeting For Buying A Secondhand Car

If you are looking for a secondhand car, there are things to consider which don’t apply to new purchases. Secondhand cars, while more cost-effective, have more history and complications than a brand new car off the lot. For this reason, the budgeting for buying a secondhand car is more difficult and complex than budgeting for … Read more

5 Financial Apps To Support Your Family

Managing your family finances can be challenging, with plenty to pay for and changing commitments all the time. Financial planning apps can be useful to improve your financial health and perfect your budget. To get started, try these top five financial planning apps for families. 1 . HomeBudget with Sync With the HomeBudget application, you … Read more

Regaining Control Of Your Bad Financial Habits

Some of us have bad financial habits. From spending too much to not planning how we deal with debts, it’s an unfortunate reality, often born from the fact that we weren’t taught better financial habits as we grew. But once you know you have those bad habits, it’s your job to look at ways you … Read more