Invisibility Of Unpaid Carers: Carers Week #MakingCaringVisible

I have been trying to get this post written in acknowledgement of Carers Week since last week; as a parent carer myself, it felt wrong not to write about it. I have thought about the points I want to share, reflected on how it feels to be a carer – and especially in the context … Read more

Improving Independence For People With Disabilities: A Carer’s Point of View

There is no denying that caring for another person, whether adult or child, can be an emotionally and physically exhaustive endeavour. When it comes to caring and supporting those with specific needs, it often requires a level of resolve. This is true regardless of the nature of the disabilities that the person you care for … Read more – How To Choose A Suitable Childcare Provider #AD

At the time of writing this, the UK is in the middle of a lockdown. Right now, the majority of children are staying at home with a parent, guardian, family member or friend. Schools are only open for childcare purposes; to enable essential key workers to continue their jobs whilst the country is in Coronavirus … Read more

#Blogtober 2016 – Day 21: What Am I Afraid Of

Argh… I’m behind on blogtober, other blog posts, Project Green Challenge and general life! so I am going to keep this one really short, and cheat a little… I think the thing I am most afraid of is the same for the vast majority of parents, especially carers of children with SEND, but no doubt … Read more